2021 Miscellaneous Projects – Knox County 4-H

Miscellaneous project judging is right around the corner on June 30, 2021 from 1pm to 6pm at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center.  We would like to make this a seamless process and avoid a long line at the judges’ table.  We have grouped judging from clubs again in 2021; 2021 Judging Schedule.  Please come to judging during the set time, however if that does not work, we understand various circumstances.

If you are a rocket project member, you will need to contact the OSU Extension Office (740-397-0401) to schedule your time for judging on June 30 starting at 6:30 p.m. which will take place outside the Ramser 4-H Activity Center.

If you have the following projects: How Does Your Garden Grow, Edible Landscapes, or Grow Your Own Vegetables you will need to contact the OSU Extension Office (740-397-0401) to schedule your time for judging on Sunday, July 25 starting at 9 a.m. which will take place inside the Miscellaneous Project Building.

New for 2021

The re-launch of the booth building is happening in 2021.  OSU Extension 4-H Youth Development is proud of the time and effort that all youth put forth for your various miscellaneous projects in 2021.  We would like you to have a “place” to showcase your projects to a wide variety of community members, family, and friends. While we are moving away from the traditional booth layout, we are presenting the miscellaneous projects by project area.  For example, all sewing projects will be located in the same area (name tags, club names, ages, and town will still be listed on all projects). Woodworking projects in the same area, cooking, photography, so on and so forth.

The Knox Junior Leaders Club (a newly established club in 2021) has worked to create a new vison for the Miscellaneous Project Building (formerly known as the Booth Building).  We want all 4-H youth to showcase their items while protecting the integrity of all projects. We will have more hands – on interaction within the building and form a welcoming environment for community members to learn about 4-H.  ALL 4-H MEMBERS taking a MISCELLANEOUS PROJECT IN 2021 will be required to sign up for a 2-hour shift at the Miscellaneous project building (Sunday through Friday July 25 – 30th).  A sign-up sheet will be available at judging on June 30.  Parents will be able to ask questions and see the new building design.  Any youth not signed up will be assigned a time and any youth failing to show up for their time will forfeit premiums and make a $5 donation to the 4-H Planning committee. 

We are excited to see what everyone has been working on the last couple of months.  All miscellaneous/food and nutrition/clothing project judging will be done at the Ramser 4-H Activity center. See you on June 30, 2021.  Please reach out to Jana (mussard.4@osu.edu) if you have questions or concerns.


Jana Mussard

4-H Extension Educator

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