Ohio 4-H Foundation Youth Representative

Founded in 1945 as part of The Ohio State University Development Fund, the Ohio 4-H Foundation solicits and receives contributions on behalf of Ohio 4-H in order to enhance the 4-H Youth Development Program, promotes the Ohio 4-H Youth Development program and recognizes 4-H members and adult volunteers. The Ohio 4-H Foundation established an Endowment in 1946 in order to create a permanent investment. With private support from individuals, businesses and organizations, the Ohio 4-H Foundation is able to fund new programs and improve existing programs at the county, region, and state levels. Annual program grants are awarded by the Foundation to support innovative programs, meet emerging, local needs or pilot new efforts. Thus, the support of donors throughout Ohio is vital to our success.

The Ohio 4-H Foundation is guided by a volunteer Board, comprised of business and industry leaders, Extension personnel, and 4-H youth representatives from around the state. The Board reviews proposals and distributes endowment interest income for the training of volunteer leadership and the recognition of 4-H members through scholarships, awards and positive youth development experiences.

Here are specific responsibilities of board members:

  • Attend three face-to-face meetings that are held throughout the state (one in January, one in spring, one in fall).
  • Serve on a committee. The committees typically meet one time a month via conference call (often times the committees meet during the day).
  • Assist with the Celebration of Youth fundraiser preparations.
  • Voice youth perspectives in every avenue to all board members and youth throughout the state.

Each year, current members in good standing have been given the privilege of representing Ohio 4-H on the Ohio 4-H Foundation Board. This year, we will select 1 member to serve a two-year term. The term is from January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2022.


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