Summary of Rule Changes for the Ohio State Fair:
- Skillathons: No tiebreaker (5th) station; youth will progress through four stations evaluating their knowledge and skills in various topics.
- Record books (beef, goat, poultry, swine, & sheep Skillathons only): Up to 10 additional sheets may be placed either before or after the intact project and record books at the youth’s discretion.
- Outstanding Market Exhibitor (OME): Slight change in the tiebreaker rules. Previous tiebreaker relied almost exclusively on a youth’s Skillathon score; new tiebreaker uses their scores from record book judging, showmanship, and live animal placing.
- Livestock Judging Contest:
- Removed non-reasons division; now only junior and senior divisions for individuals and teams.
- Entry fee now $10/contestant, but includes a fair pass if you register before Friday, July 13.
- Juniors place eight classes, answer four sets of questions, and can participate in an optional oral reasons contest with separate awards.
- Seniors will place eight classes and four sets of oral reasons.
- New procedure for selecting the team to represent Ohio 4-H at the National Livestock Judging Contest in Louisville, KY.
Websites with Study Resources, Flyers, and Additional Information:
- Skillathons, State Skillathon Team, record books, and OME (click on individual species pages in the left-hand menu for more detailed information):
- Livestock Judging Contest:
– Andrea