Goat Project Sign-Up Help

GOAT Projects can be confusing!

4-H advisors, we need your help! There is only 1 goat project book but there are 6 separate projects exhibitors can do!  Please double check and clarify with all goat project members in your club to make sure they are signed up for all the goat projects they want to do!

  • 135M    Market Meat or Dairy or Crossbred Goats (this is a sale animal)
  • 135BD  Breeding Meat Goats (production meat does)
  • 135BD  Breeding Dairy Goats (any breed of pure dairy or pure dairy cross)
  • 135PY  Pygmy Goat (doe and/or wether)
  • 135P    Pack Goat (this is the one that is often missed……they must register for the pack project
  • to take the pack class at fair)
  • 135C     Companion/Pet Goat – this project they do NOT exhibit at fair

* Knox County Fair does not offer Harness Goat or Fiber Goat classes.

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