2018 Buckeye Leadership Workshop

Buckeye Leadership Workshop will be held April 4-8, 2018 at Recreation Unlimited near Ashley, OH.

BLW extended the scholarship application deadline through February 2, 2018.  Visit www.buckeyeleadership.com for details and to register.

Remaining scholarship funds are available until the deadline or until all available funds are allocated.  Applicants must follow the posted procedures including the online registration information, online scholarship application, and two reference letters.  Reference letters can be submitted in hard copy or through Google docs (please see link below).  Have your references cut and paste this address and fill out the appropriate sections.     (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf2cUBT2W9pGbHyTWEeWdeHHYG5t9d3NaMpkec5kkxx4_9pUA/viewform?c=0&w=1).

– Larry

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