Exceptional community citizenship is one of the values that makes FFA, 4-H and Farm Bureau such successful organizations. These groups are partnering to bring the Ohio Youth Capital Challenge to you. Here is your chance to get involved and have a hands-on experience that will enable you to make your community a better place.
Delegates must be in at least the ninth grade and between the ages of 14 and 18 during the 2017-2018 school year. Delegates are expected to have concern for local community issues and a desire to be more involved. Cost to youth is $30 upon selection.
Up to 40 youth will be selected for the challenge. Participants will need to be ready to travel to Columbus for Phase One of the challenge. They will work in their assigned team during the following months developing a policy and presentation. Teams then will come together in Columbus to present. The winning teams will compete at the Ohio State Fair for cash prizes.
For more information please see the brochure at: 2018YouthCapitalChallengeBrochure-2hx3wk6
Please contact Andrea at 740-397-0401 ext. 1301 or at rees.139@osu.edu if you know someone who is interested in applying.
– Andrea