New Volunteers
Are you a parent and are thinking of becoming a 4-H volunteer? Are you a volunteer who is retiring and have found someone to replace you? If you have answered YES to either of these questions, this is a great time of year to start the volunteer process. Here are the steps that you will need to work through in order for you to be considered.
The Process
- Contact the OSU Extension office to indicate an interest in becoming an Extension volunteer.
- Pay a $5.00 volunteer application fee to receive an application. The fee helps cover copying costs and postage for mailings to and from references and the applicant.
- Complete and submit a completed application (this includes full contact information for your references) and a Standards of Behavior form.
- After receiving and reviewing an appropriate number of responses by references and the application, an interview with the applicant will be scheduled with at least two people from the program area (4-H, Master Gardeners, FCS, etc.) staff.
- After a successful first interview, the applicant will acquire and self-pay for a Webcheck report through Ohio BCI&I.
- Once all forms and reports are accepted and in the applicant’s file, the applicant will be informed of their status as a volunteer for a one-year term which may be renewed at the discretion of the OSU Extension staff.
- This process needs to be STARTED AND COMPLETED before March 15, 2018.
- The process from start to finish should be no more than a month.
Background Checks
This last year, all volunteers received a letter stating when they would need to receive their background check within that four-year rotation. If you were identified for 2018, this is a perfect time to get that accomplished and out of the way before the start of the new year. If you need the steps and appropriate information to complete this process, please let us know and it can be emailed to you.