Battery Testing
//This is the code we used to run the AEV in the Battery Testing experiment. The code remain constant in each test run.
//We reverse because the AEV started to move in opposite direction without any reason. Ever since, we use this reverse call.
//Accelerate the motors spread in 3 seconds at 30%
// Keep all motors at 30% power for 2 seconds
power motorSpeed(4,30);
// reverse polarity of propeller motors to go back
// Brake all motors
//End of run
Below is the first run of the AEV on the track with max voltage of the battery
Below is the second run of the AEV on the track with a used voltage of the battery
We concluded that each run of the AEV on a test track decrements about 0.01V of the battery voltage. The AEV ran about half way of the track, in total about multiple of four of these runs will amount to the total voltage decremented of about 0.04V.
Servo Usage
We have decided that the methods we tried for using the servo was not as useful as planned, as it kept knocking off the AEV off of the track, and the position the servo located was not as viable as we thought it would be. Further testing must be done in order to see other potential possible concepts to make the servo viable.