Performance Test 1

Performance Test 1 Preparation and Results


In order to prepare for Performance Test 1, Group F had to finalize on a design to move forward with. Group F decided to adjust the sample AEV slightly to have a more minimalistic and simple design as shown below.

Group F also decided that a servo was going to have to be implemented to ensure that the braking position is consistent even though it will increase the cost of the AEV. This caused a few issues because it was challenging to find a good place to secure the servo. In the final design, tape and rubber bands were used to firmly attach the servo on the side of the arm next to the wheel. Once this solution was implemented, the difficulty paid off.



The first task was figuring out how far the AEV needed to travel to get to the gate. Group F estimated the distance based off of the straight track’s distance. From these estimations, a lot of trial and error was needed in order to figure out the perfect travel distance and speed in order to stop right in front of the first sensor. In the final test, 25% speed was used to get the servo up the incline and then dropped to 10% to coast until the servo kicked in. Figuring out how much to turn the servo arm and where the zero point of the servo took a bit of tinkering with as well.



After Group F tested the AEV numerous times, the AEV was set to the test and performed as expected on the first try without issues. The data for this run is shown below.

Code Used

myservo.attach(SERVO_PIN_A); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object
int neutral = 0;
int halt = 30;

//Reverse motors to go forward.
//Set both motors to 25% power;
//Slow down
//Go x feet (310 marks)
goToAbsolutePosition(280); //~310
//Brake AEV
//Wait for 7 seconds
//Move past the gate