About Me

Current situation

View from outside Houck House

View from outside Houck House

Funny and optimistic are always described by the people related to me. And I really like these descriptions. My name is Zhuowei Yu and my English name is David. I come from Changzhou China the city which is very suitable for living. I am a freshmen living in the Houck House in north campus. And let me know if you guys live around me. Houck House is a very small building which just has three floors and not as much as people living in Morill Tower. In my opinion that I think it is the best place for living and studying because Houck House is quiet and not too crowd. Additionally, the location of Houck House is very convenient: the best dining hall Scott and a new gym are near the Houck House. Also I want to introduce my family. It is a small family but full of happiness. My mother is a professor teaching Design of clothes in the college and my father is a manager in the international company. Nowadays my mother is studying at University of Cincinnati as a visiting scholar. Cincinnati sets near Columbus as a result it is convenient for my mother to come and see me. Last Sunday my mother brought some dumplings to me which let me recall the days when I was in high school. Then I would like to share my hobbies and interests. I am crazy about soccer and I am a fan of Real Madrid. I never miss any matches of Real Madrid. I am not only the crazy fan of soccer but also the good soccer player. In the past two months, I have played soccer several times with many people. Also I’m good at many sports like badminton, basketball, swimming and Ping-Pong.



My past experience

Photo with guests :)

Photo with guests 🙂

Studying in OSU is not my first time go abroad. I have been to United States when I was in high school. I took part in the world championship about robots(FTC) in St. Louis. That’s my first time in the US. My team and I felt exciting to go abroad. During the competition of robots, I have met so many people from other countries around the world. They are kind and enthusiasm even they are the opponents on the other side. We got many problems like where to have meals and where the attractions are. Fortunately, we can get help from anyone in the St. Louis.

Competition area

Competition area

The competition was set in a big stadium and there were hundreds of people watching the competition. Although that was the first time I attend in FTC project, I have already got the champion in China. But I still realized that the technology we used on our robots is not as well as others’. Finally, we just got the 20th in this FTC competition. After that we went to the Orlando. There are biggest Disney Land and Universal. They are large enough that we cannot play half of the rides in one day. However, it was the happiest time during my time in the United States.





 OSU life

The most thing attracts me to choose OSU is that there are many clubs activities. Nowadays I have already attended many clubs like Archer club, swimming club and Pistol club. Studying in the university is hard than in the high school. I may feel stressful if I just learning and doing my homework. However, these activities can help me to release the stress and provide a good condition to study again. These activities make my life in OSU colorful. Then let me share my study plan. I am a Physic major student now but I am planning to change my major to the ECE. Taking all the lectures and classes, doing all the homework and taking notes are the most important things for me to do. However, I don’t think it is enough for me. I am looking for the researches which are opened to the freshmen. It is wonderful to meet the professor and do the research with the sophomores and juniors even I didn’t do any researches before. It may be a challenge for me but I will accomplish it because doing the research can let me know more people, improve my knowledge and learn how to cooperate with others.






Annotation: All the photos are taken from my phone.

8 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hi, Zhuowei! I really appreciate your interesting experience~~From your story, I can feel you are versatile in different kinds of filed. And I agree with this kind of life style that academy and other experiences are supposed to find a balance and make up our exciting life!~ Your story of robots competition, club activities, and research with professors inspire me to explore other field and better improve myself, because positive life requires us to make progress every day, and we open our mind to every new and interesting thing and we can learn from that ~ This open-minded attitude are really impressing ~ So thanks for your sharing and I learn a lot~~

  2. Hi, Zhouwei!
    Pleased to meet you. I think you do a good job! I intensely agree with your point about Houck House where is a very good place to play and study with others. From your description about your story and current situation, I think you are a versatile person, who confront bravely challenge. Your past experience in America made you grow up and became mature. You have a colorful life and good plan which will improve yourself and make yourself better! Your attitude to face problems and troubles let me know that I should improve myself more, I am very glad to be friend with you, HAHA!

  3. Hi, David!
    Really excited to see you here, and your profile introduces much about yourself and binds you closer to us as friends in real life. I have played badminton with you once and quietly surprised about your ability to play badminton, and what surprised me is that you also like many different kinds of sports such as swimming and pistol which I am eagerly interested , and also you can play the guitar at the same time that I planned to learn to play the guitar. Thus it is such a coincidence that we have a lot in common. Also, the experience of the world championship about robots attracts me and make you be like a smart and versatile boy. The enthusiasm and optimistic attitude to life make you be a wonderful and attracting person, and it is so happy to be friend with you!

  4. Hi David! congrats on winning the champion of robots innovation match! It is hard to meet someone who is both good at sports and robots technology. You are the one of them.

    And I’m really jealous that you have your mother living around columbus. I haven’t seen my family since august and I can only see them when it’s June. Also, I did miss my mother’s cooking like you! enjoy your life!

  5. Hi, Zhouwei, You must be popular! I really admire you that you can see your mother sometimes. Your experience of taking part in championship of robots are so wonderful. You must be versatile because you are good at sports and technology field at the same time. And you are so active that you attended so many clubs. Archer club and Pistol club are the clubs I want to attend as well. I should learn from your optimistic and your ability in studying.

  6. Hi, Zhouwei!
    You really did a great job on this page! Your photo is nice and your text is clear. After reading your experience, I thought you really talented and smart. In addition, you have a lot of interest. I have a lot of interest too because i think we can have fun when we doing different thing. And i also feel jealous that your mother is here with you, I really miss my mum now.

  7. Hi, David!
    I love guitar too and I am learning how to play the guitar now, so it is such a coincidence that we have a lot in common. Your enthusiasm and optimistic attitude to life make you be a wonderful and attracting person, and I am so happy to be friend with you!

  8. Hi, David:
    I have similar job choices with you, all of them are related with design and one is interior design. I think you probably want your future job closer to your current major and interests so all of them are not fit you. I like your images on your page, which are attractive and easy to understand. Probably you can add more your thinking in this article. What’s more, I have similar point with you that satisfaction is more important than salary.

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