Working Papers

“Risk-Adjusting the Returns to Private Debt Funds, (with Isil Erel and Thomas Flanagan).

“All Clear for Takeoff: Evidence from Airports on the Effects of Infrastructure Privatization,” (with Sabrina Howell, Yeejin Jang, and Hyeik Kim), under revision for Review of Financial Studies.

“Relationship-Specific Investments and Firms’ Boundaries: Evidence from Textual Analysis of Patents,” (with Jan Bena, Isil Erel, and Daisy Wang), under revision for The Journal of Finance.

“Directors’ Incentives from Potential Regulatory Penalties: Evidence from their Voting,” (with Wenzhi (Dave) Ding, Chen Lin and Thomas Schmid), under revision for Management Science.

“Climate Change, Demand Uncertainty, and Firms’ Investments: Evidence from Planned Power Plants” (with Chen Lin and Thomas Schmid), The Journal of Finance, forthcoming.

“Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions,” (with Yeejin Jang and Isil Erel), forthcoming in Handbook of Corporate Finance, edited by David Denis.

“The Cash Flow Sensitivity of Cash: Replication, Extension and Robustness” (with Heitor Almedia and Murillo Campello), Critical Finance Review, forthcoming.