Field of Corn (with Osage Orange Trees) Located in Dublin, Ohio, by Malcolm Cochran. Dedicated October 30, 1994.
A corn ear has the potential for 750 to 1000 kernels and may weigh over a pound. However, the corn ears produced in a typical Corn Belt field will average about 450-500 kernels and weigh about 1/4 -1/2 lb. Corn ear size is influenced by cultural practices, especially seeding rates and soil fertility, as well as environmental conditions and soil moisture and temperatures. Corn ears have an even number of kernel rows that can range from 12 to 22 rows (usually about 14-18 rows). Row number is primarily determined by genetics whereas kernel number per row (ear length) is strongly influenced by growing conditions.
The appearance of a corn ear during grain fill or at harvest can tell us much about a corn plant’s development during the growing season. Ear size and numbers and distribution of kernels on the ear can indicate when the ear experienced stress and the severity of the stress. Ear size and kernel number are determined at five critical stages: when the ear sets the maximum number of kernels, – about the 5-6 leaf collar stage (V5-6), when the ear sets the maximum number of kernels along length of the ear – about the 15 leaf collar stage (V15), when the maximum number of ovules are pollinated to form developing embryos – the blister stage (R2), when the maximum number of kernels is determined – the milk stage (R3), and when the maximum kernel size is established – late dough/early dent stage (R5). Abnormal ear development has multiple causes – environmental stresses, pests, cultural practices. Combined with information on field history, knowledge of ear and kernel anomalies can be an effective diagnostic tool in troubleshooting corn production problems. A corn ear’s response to a particular stress may be so unique that it can specify the problem involved. An ear abnormality may be associated with more than one cause and ears may exhibit injury symptoms in response to more than one stress. Understanding how corn ears respond to stress can help determine the nature of the stress, condition when it occurred, and how it might be managed or avoided in the future. This web page describes over 40 types of abnormal ear and kernel development that occur in Ohio and other corn producing regions of the U.S. and the world and strategies for managing them.
3-D images are available for select abnormalities. These are indicated by (3-D) following the abnormality name below. 3-D images can also be found here: https://u.osu.edu/mastercorn/3-d-images/
To learn more, click the name of the problem you want to diagnose and manage.
Arrested Ears
Bar Bell Ears
Bear Claw Deformities
Blunt Ears
Bouquet Ears
Chaffy Ears
Cow Horn, Boomerang and Banana Ears (3-D)
Crazy Top

Source – R. Lewandowski, OSU Extension, Athens Co., OH, 2008
Crazy top associated the with ear shoot is common. This ear sample was from a sweet corn field.
Ear Pinching (3-D)
Ears with Extended Leaf Husks
Exposed Ear Tips
Hail Damage
Incomplete Basal Fill
Incomplete Kernel Set – Whole Ear
Kernel Jumbling
Long Ear Shanks
Nubbin Ears
Poor Tip Fill
Purpling of Ear Husks

Purpling of husk – sweet corn. Source: S. Kerr, Washington State University Klickitat County Extension
Tassel Ears
Tip Dieback
Zipper Ears (3-D)
Mixed Kernel Colors

Ears of yellow dent corn ears (two on left) and blue color (two on right) two center ears from adjacent rows. Two outside ears from plants approx 40 row rows away from blue or yellow kernel plants.
Source: P. Thomison, OSU
Popped Kernels
Premature Sprouting (3-D)
Silk Cut
Translucent Kernels
Aspergillus Ear and Kernel Rot
Blue Eye Mold
Cladosporium Ear Rot

Source: A. Robertson, Iowa State University Plant Pathology.
Cladosporium ear rot may develop as dark (brown to green) fuzzy mold growing on and between kernels (http://www.extension.iastate.edu/CropNews/2009/1030robertsonmunkvold.htm)
Corn Smut (3-D)
Diplodia Ear Rot
Fusarium Ear and Kernel Rot (3-D)
Gibberella Ear Rot
Nigrospora Ear Rot
Trichoderma Ear Rot

Source: DuPont Pioneer
(https://www.pioneer.com/home/site/mobile/harvest/corn/ear-rots-uncommon/ )
Bird Damage
Corn Earworm
European Corn Borer
Fall Army Worm
Kernel Red Streak (3-D)
Stink Bug Injury (3-D)

Late season BMSB kernel injury in corn at dough stage. Waterman Farm, Columbus OH 2014. Source: P. Thomison, OSU Horticulture and Crop Science
Western Bean Cutworm