Hail Damage

Source: Greg Roth, Pennsylvania State University

Source: Greg Roth, Pennsylvania State University

Ear damaged by hail at early to mid grainfill.
Source: P. Thomison, OSU

Corn plants damaged by hail storm at R3.        Source: P. Thomison, OSU















Kernels of hail damaged ears may exhibit bruising, discoloration and shriveling. Ear rots and smut often occur as result of severe hail injury. Torn husks may allow entry points for insect and bird feeding.



Hail occurring after ears are formed can damage kernels developing within husks. Developing kernels especially vulnerable during early the R2 to R4 stages.



Molds that grow on kernels of damaged ears may produce mycotoxins. Scout hail damaged fields to assess how much ear rot is present. Harvest infected grain as early as possible, and dry and cool the grain immediately to reduce growth of molds and minimize further development of these mycotoxins. Sample and submit grain samples for mycotoxin analysis.



Coulter, J. and Malvick, D.  2018.  Wind and Hail Damage to Pollination Corn.  Available at https://extension.umn.edu/growing-corn/wind-and-hail-damage-pollination-corn [URL verified 3/28/2019].


Coulter, J. and Naeve, S.  2018.  Wind and Hail Damage.  Available at https://extension.umn.edu/growing-corn/wind-and-hail-damage [URL verified 3/28/2019].


Robertson, A. and G. Munkvold. 2009.  Risk of Mycotoxins Associated with Hail Damaged Corn. Integrated Crop Management News. Iowa State University. Available at http://www.extension.iastate.edu/CropNews/2009/0818robertsonmunkvold.htm [URL verified 3/28/2019].