Human Evolution

Top: Ardipithecus ramidus "Ardi" skele- ton (ARA-VP-6/500). Science October 2009, 326 (5949): 36-40. Bottom:Australopithecus afarensis "Lucy" skeleton (AL 288-1). Institute of Human Origins

Top: Ardipithecus ramidus “Ardi” skele- ton (ARA-VP-6/500). Science October 2009, 326 (5949): 36-40.
Bottom:Australopithecus afarensis “Lucy” skeleton (AL 288-1). Institute of Human Origins


What: This is a multiple choice quiz on Human Evolution

Where: Carmen Activities – Quizzes

Why: Lucy is 3.2 million year old fossil that could walk on two legs and Ardi is a 4.4 million year old fossil that could walk on two legs and climb trees. Both were discovered in Africa and provide a great deal of insight into human evolution on Earth.

Directions: Download the below directions. When you have read/watched all the material log into Carmen to take the quiz. You will have two attempts to take this quiz. We will keep your highest score.

Download the Human Evolution directions.