Food Fellows has been selected for CGI U!

Food Fellows has been accepted to the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) 2014. CGI U is an annual conference that honors commitments and ideas by undergraduates to take social action.

CGIUStudents from all across the world gather for one weekend to talk about their ideas and learn from each other. Some students have started their own nonprofits, student organizations, or some just have a great idea that they are waiting to implement.

We are extremely honored that Food Fellows was selected as this is a very competitive process. We are very excited about the opportunity and can’t wait to share the Food Fellows program with other students and leaders.

The conference will take place March 21-23 at Arizona State University. One of our undergraduates, Ivory, will be attending. Even more exciting, Food Fellows, was one of the few projects selected to present at the Exchange Fair, a poster session for featured CGI U commitments.


We cannot wait to learn more about what other students are doing to change the world and learn how Food Fellows can create even more impact.

We’ll be live Tweeting (follow us @OSUFoodFellows) about the conference over the weekend and posting lots of pics. Stay tuned!