
At OSU, the Honors & Scholars Program strives to create a well rounded and engaged citizen, focusing on achieving their G.O.A.L.S.: Global Awareness, Original Inquiry, Academic Enrichment, Leadership Development, and Service Engagement. OSU and Mount Leadership Society Scholars offers many opportunities to reach my G.O.A.L.S..



Coming to a large university from a small suburban town in Ohio, required that I appreciate and cultivate diversity in my everyday life. From meeting students that come from different backgrounds and home lives, to working with international students in my ENGR 1181 class projects, I have been able to develop my global awareness here at Ohio State. I plan to continue this by studying abroad with the assistance of the STEP program. I plan to participate in a study abroad program through the College of Engineering, allowing me to learn about and appreciate the engineering capabilities of past, present, and future people of another country. This will allow me to take this knowledge back and use it to gain my own perspective on engineering here in the United States.


By nature engineering provides numerous opportunities for original inquiry. Before coming to Ohio State, I thought that engineering was very black and white. The answer was either right, or it was wrong. However, I am learning that this is not the case. Engineers try to solve problems that have no solutions. They try to innovate and invent something that has never been done before. For example, in ENGR 1182, I collaborated with 3 of my peers on a semester-long Integrated Transportation System. The project had very loose guidelines and allowed for creativity and original solutions. Our group, especially, took advantage of this opportunity and 3-D printed and laser cut parts for our vehicle. We were able to use original inquiry to come up with solutions to problems and create a product that was successful overall. I plan to continue this endeavor of original inquiry by participating in more engineering projects or possibly a design team here at OSU.


It is no secret that engineering classes at Ohio State are difficult. No matter how good of a student you are, there are times where you will be challenged and your commitment to your studies will be tested. I have chosen engineering because it presents a challenge, but is also something that I am passionate about. I plan to pursue academic excellence in this field through making it a goal to maintain above at 3.5 GPA. I also plan to purse a minor on top of my engineering degree to make me a more competitive job applicant and get the most out of my undergraduate education that I can. Later down the road, I plan to further enrich my academics by getting my Masters in Business Administration.


As a member of the Mount Leadership Society Scholars Program, I have committed a large portion of my time at OSU to becoming a leader and practicing leadership in my everyday life. For example, I am the Society of Women Engineers 5K and Volleyball Tournament Chair. I have also led many smaller project groups and subcommittees. I plan to continue this leadership development at OSU by becoming a member of the Club Tennis Executive Board. Additionally, in my career I plan to get my MBA and work in an upper level management position at an engineering company. Overall, leadership is something that I am very passionate about and something that I am very dedicated to as a Mount Scholar.


I have made a commitment to service to the community as a Mount Scholar. From monthly service projects my freshman year, to an entire Year of Service my sophomore year, Mount has helped me to become an engaged citizen that gives back my time to those in the community that need it the most. My Mount Legacy Week team created, planned, and executed two very successful service projects to combat the social justice issue of abuse. First, we made dog treats for the Columbus Humane Society and also helped the shelter with some projects that they needed completed. We also planned two activity nights for the kids at Huckleberry House in which we made food, played games, painted picture, and provided company for the kids. I am also doing a Year of Service at Broad Street Achievement Programs in Columbus, OH, helping tutor and mentor children. All of these service projects have allowed me to grow as a person and it has assured me that giving back to the community is something that I will continue for the remainder of my life.

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