Original pictures:
Normal blending modes:
Dissolve won’t blend the color of both pictures but you can see large particles when decreasing the opacity.
Normal doesn’t blend the color as well, but if you lower the opacity, it can show the image underneath.
Original pictures
Darken blending modes:
Darken mode shows the dark colors but get rid of light colors. It won’t blend colors but it compares colors.
Multiply can darken the color on the base using blend color while the white color has no change on that.
The linear burn makes the base layer looks darker and the color of the blend layer looks really saturated.
Color burn can increase the contrast between two layers and the resulting image is darker.
This is similar to darken blend mode and it keeps the dark colors.
Contract blending modes:
The overlay is like the combination of Multiply and Screen. It’s like using half of Multiply and half Screen and part of that becomes transparent.
Soft color is similar to overlay and the resulting image looks darker than the resulting color by the overlay. Also, the colors look less saturated.
Vivid color has the intenser color than overlay but it’s so intense so it’s better to adjust the opacity.
Linear light is a combination of linear burn and linear dodge that will result in really intense colors. Opacity is also better to be adjusted so that the blending image will look more natural.
Pin light is like the result of darken and lighten as it leaves both dark color and light color.
The hard mix leaves only six primary colors so it loses a lot of details.
Inversion blending modes:
Difference inverts the color of the blend layer.
The exclusion is similar to difference but the colors are less intense.
The color of the blend layer is more intense than exclusion but it shows the shape of the base layer better.
The divide is the opposite side of Substract. The resulting image looks really bright because there are more dark areas than light areas.
Component blending modes:
Hue blending mode uses the color of blend layer with the luminosity and saturation of the base layer.
Saturation mode uses the color and luminosity of the base layer while applying the saturation of the blend layer into the resulting image.
Color blend mode uses the color and saturation of the blend layer while adopting luminosity of the base layer.
Luminosity uses the color and saturation of the base layer with the luminosity of blend layer.
Original pictures:
Lighten blending modes:
Lighter color and lighten are pretty similar. This blend mode is like darken which won’t mix pixels but just compare the colors. The light color will be kept.
Lighten just keeps the colors that are lightest and brightest.
The screen also keeps the light colors and it will also make the resulting image brighter.
Linear dodge will blend the pixels more as it will change the color of the resulting image. This blend mode can make the resulting image looks brighter.
The resulting image using color dodge is the most beautiful one compared to other blend modes in Lighten. This blend mode shows a brighter resulting image and it decreases the contrast between the base layer and blend layer.