Annotated Bibliography

“Polar Bear Habitat”. Arcticwwf.Org, 2019,

This source is a brief essay from the WWF official website, and this mainly consists of four small parts. Each part of this essay gives me different perspectives about polar bears, for example, the first part gives readers the idea that why polar bears live on the sea ice, the second part points out that the situation of polar bears when they are living on the land and problems that may be accrued, the third part shows that the rapid decrease of sea ice and finally the last part showed their tracking of polar bears.

Mahmood, Zahid. “Polar Bears Could Face Extinction Faster Than Thought”. CNN, 2018,

This source is from CNN official website. This source mainly introduces the most recent situation about polar bears, and we could know that due to global warming, polar bears are decreasing at a higher rate. As we know polar bears need to eat seals, but today more and more ice is melting, and polar bears need to travel 1.6 times more to catch their food, under this circumstance, polar bears’ daily calorie intake cannot reach daily need, which make the number of polar bears decrease.

“How To Save Polar Bears”. Science | AAAS, 2019,

This source is from a website called “Science,” and this paper is mainly about how to save the polar bears from the greenhouse gas perspective. The most important part of this source is that it contains an experiment in it, and the experiment is about how the emission of greenhouse gas could affect sea ice and polar bears. The result shows that if we could reduce the emission of greenhouse gas, the possibility of polar bears become extinct could reduce largely or even become zero. What’s more, sea ice would melt at a constant rate as temperature rises. In case, I could conclude that if people would like to slow down the disappearance of polar bears, we need to reduce the emission of greenhouse gas.

Jeffrey S. Gleason& Karyn D. Rode. “Polar Bears Distribution and Habitat Association Reflect Long-Term Changes in Fall Sea Ice Conditions in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea.”  Arctic, vol.62, no.4, 2009, pp.405-417,

This article is mainly about how polar bears’ behaviors reflect some disorders in the natural environment, for example, the relationship between polar bears with land and ice. In this case, we could analyze the change of ice and the formation of ice, which could have further research about global warming.  And on the other part of this essay mainly discuss their survey methods and results. Moreover, this passage use the graph to show the data. In that case, it is easier for the audience to understand and seem to be more credible.

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