Module 3 Reflection

The most useful thing I learned this module is the reason behind procrasination. I was not often a procrasinate person, but sometimes when I procrasinate, I could not figure out the reason underlying procrasination. Poor organization is the most prevalent reason, which I belived as the reason for my procrasination. However, even after I tried to place everything on calendar and set up alarms for tasks, I still had strong impulse of procrasinate when I faced difficult tasks, or proactive tasks such as exercise or reviewing vocabulary. After I read the article of How to Stop Procrasinating – Overcoming the Habit of Delaying Important Tasks(, I found the answer of my case in the paragraph of Step 2: Work Out WHY You’re Procrasinating: fear success. I can remember when I had an impulse of procrasinate, I was subconsciously thinking that saving time by finishing tasks early is worse than finishing tasks just before the deadline, because if I saved the time, I would try to place more additional proactive tasks to my schedule, such as exercise more and learning new language. Overall, procrasination can decrease the amount of tasks and make life easier by wasting time before the deadline of tasks. To prevent myself from procrasination, I would like to adjust my schedule based on shortest time that I can finish tasks and bring deadlines of tasks in advance.

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