I achieved my goals set in week2. The strategies I have used in the past two weeks is using the study manager app, which a very useful app I learned from another class. I set up my weekly study events first, and when the time is up. The app will reminder me whether I am studying. Most of the time, I will answer yes. I don’t have any challenge related to goal setting and time management yet.
By using the study manager app, I set up my weekly study events first, and when the time is up. The app will reminder me whether I am studying. It is a good tool for reminding me the due day. If I already finished, I just click yes to confirm I am studying. If I haven’t done or was working on it, I will know today is the due day, and I will finish up it quickly. So I used the strategies in the reading, write a daily to-do list first on my iPad, and set mini goals weekly using study manager. So I can allocate the time before the deadline. One thing I want to talk about Study Scheduler is that it won’t allow me to schedule two events at the same day. Maybe can fix it after, since only one assignment per day is not very realistic. The tool to track my progress is my daily to-do list, I cross the evens I finished and working on the rest of the events.
Creating a daily to-do list is definitely a best way to achieve my study goals. Normally, I do the most close due day assignment. Give them my priority.
Reference: Study Manager APP