Zebrafish at OSU

developing larvaeembryos developmentzf embryo

There are currently two zebrafish facilities at Ohio State University

The first facility located in Bevis Hall was built in 1998. This facility houses ~1200 tanks and ~30,000 fish at capacity. This is a Pentair Aquatic Habitats system (http://pentairaes.com/aquatic-habitats)

The second facility located in Rightmire Hall was built in 2012. This facility houses ~1800 tanks and ~45,000 fish at capacity. This is an Aquaneering system (http://www.aquaneering.com/)

There are three labs at Ohio State that use zebrafish as their main model system:

Beattie Lab

Amacher Lab (https://molgen.osu.edu/amacher)

Jontes Lab (http://medicine.osu.edu/neuroscience/people/faculty/james-d-jontes-ph-d/Pages/index.aspx)

The Beattie and Jontes labs use the Bevis facility and the Amacher lab uses the Rightmire facility


Check out: http://zfin.org/ to learn more about zebrafish as a model system



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