The Youth Scientist curriculum gives students the opportunity to experience science by allowing students to walk through the science process while focusing on the invasive species that are affecting Ohio’s ecosystems.
Our team came together to develop a curriculum that could be used in Ohio’s classrooms to help educate students about trees and invasive species and their impacts on the natural environment.
The team would like to thank the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency for funding our efforts through the Ohio Environmental Education Fund. The team would also like to thank all partners who helped make this project possible including, Ms. Sue Wintering with Project Learning Tree and Mrs. Cathy Knoop with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio and Camp Oty’Okwa.
Team Members: Meghan Federer, OSU; Cindy Meyer, OSU; Kathleen Knight, USFS; Joanne Rebbeck, USFS; Kathy Smith, OSU; Amy Stone, OSU; and Marne Titchenell, OSU
Questions and comments should be directed to Cindy Meyer at