1st Semester Reflection

This semester has easily been the best of my life so far. I can see progress. That’s something that I don’t take lightly, and I’m excited for the coming semesters to see where they bring me. This semester has definitely had its ups and downs, and although I’ve had to overcome difficulties that I never could have dreamed of, it has also, no doubt, allowed me to explore what my true capabilities are. I’ve met a countless number of great people and made relationships that I know will last throughout my experience here. I’ve learned more content in one semester here than I could have in a whole year at my high school, but more importantly, I’ve learned how to more effectively work with others to solve problems I’ve faced. Although it’s not over (and I know the hardest is yet to come) I’m thankful for my decision to come to school here and to experience college the way it deserves to be experienced.


Engineering helps to push the limits of what is known and what is unknown. As a student at Ohio State, I hope to be able to study and learn so that I can push my own potential beyond what I believe are my limits. Throughout the next four years, I have many things that I hope to accomplish, all of which I will highlight according to the five aspects of Honors and Scholars: Global Awareness, Original Inquiry, Academic Enrichment, Leadership Development and Service Engagement.

  1. Global Awareness- During my time here, I hope to (in the near future) complete a study abroad program. I know that participating in this program can be tough as an engineering student, but a small part of me has always wanted to experience another culture totally different from my own. Experiencing another culture is something I’m not used to and for me to study abroad would be a way of pushing the limits within my own comfort zone.
  2. Original Inquiry- In my time here, I hope to complete at least two co-op sessions at two different engineering firms or companies. I would love to work for a company that focuses on sustainability within engineering because I firmly believe that it is going to be our number one priority (if it isn’t already). I joined Green Engineering Scholars to help get a boost on this goal, and I am excited for the new things that we will do within this program.
  3. Academic Enrichment- I have planned out the classes I will need to take through Spring of 2020. To describe the course I will need to take (as a Civil Engineering major also considering Mechanical) as rigorous would be an understatement. I fully expected this to be the case as an incoming engineering student, so this only confirms what my ideas were about engineering. I am willing to work harder than I ever have to achieve my goals, especially because I am excited about what will follow.
  4. Leadership Development- During my time here I hope to be involved in an extra curricular that promotes leadership. I haven’t found anything yet (mostly because I’m still getting used to everything) but have every intention of joining one later on. Whether it be through academics, church or outside of the classroom activities, I hope to find a leadership opportunity that pushes the boundaries of not only who I think I am but also who I think I can be.
  5. Service Engagement- This is the aspect of GOALS that I believe I need the most work on. There is a constant need for help throughout not only Columbus, Ohio but across the entire globe. Throughout the next four years, I know that I will become involved in the community here because it needs our help. In high school, I was very involved with leadership through different clubs and organizations, but I never provided much service for the community around me. This is something I intend to change as a student at Ohio State, by getting involved with the 100’s of service organizations at this university.


Although I know the picture that corresponds to this post is not necessarily ‘academic,’ it does represent something deeper to me than just sitting in a football stadium on a cooler fall day. It highlights the sense of community that can be felt as a student at the Ohio State University. Coming out of high school I never really felt the sense of community that I do now as a student just two months into my collegiate academic career. I have grown as a person, not only more willing to hear others out but to also determine through my own methods what my interests truly are. College has already become a place where I can truly express myself to the new friends around me. This college football game (pictured above) was the first one that I went to, and immediately upon entering the stadium I could feel the energy and excitement throughout not only the people watching on that day but also the generations of students that sat there before me. I am excited to see what the future holds in store for me and what I can accomplish both has a person and academically as a student at Ohio State.


[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.  For more guidance on using your ePortfolio, including questions and prompts that will help you get started, please visit the Honors & Scholars ePortfolio course in Carmen. To get answers to specific questions, please email eportfolio@osu.edu. Delete these instructions and add your own post.]

About Me

This post will be the first of likely many through my ePortfolio at the Ohio State University. I am from Marietta, OH, which is near border of West Virginia in Southeast Ohio. I graduated from Marietta High School in May of 2018 and moved into the Ohio State University the following August. I have entered as a Civil Engineering major, but I have also considered applying to the Mechanical Engineering program. I am a member of the Green Engineering Scholars program here at Ohio State, and I am excited about the opportunities that it will bring for me in the coming years. I have many goals that I hope to achieve as a freshman here that I hope are not too ambitious for my first year. I definitely want to take part in a co-op or internship over the next four years, with the hope that it will lead to a possible job opportunity. I would also love to participate in a study abroad in a Spanish- speaking country. Upon graduation from college, I hope to work in a field that deals with the development of renewable and sustainable energy resources. The future of our planet depends on it, and only through sustainable engineering will we be successful in prolonging our time here.