photo reflection project





In the article Nine Successful Women Tell How College Changed Their Lives, Kate White(1972) present the case of Sheryl Lee Ralph, a girl had planned to be a doctor because her father’ suggestion but eventually followed her heart. Sheryl refused to study medicine and decided to throw herself into drama and theatre. Thanks to her wise decision, she met many wonderful drama teacher who had an important effect on her. At last, Sheryl instructed her theatre course and told the readers sometimes they do not need to think too much.

    “Sometimes you can go too deep looking for the answer; it may be right under your nose.” (Sheryl Lee Ralph, 1975)

I very appreciate her bravery because she could display herself in the theatre. Many of us are forced by the reality to choose the major which is easier to find job instead of the major they really love; however, Sheryl didn’t. She knew what she wanted exactly and went straight along the direction she loved without any hesitation. I would like to be a man with courage and insight like Sheryl, and that is why I choose her story as my reflection. As Sheryl said, “Sometimes you can go too deep looking for the answer; it may be right under your nose.” What I learn from that is just follow your heart and never give up your dream.


Reference: Nine Successful Women Tell How College Changed Their Lives By Kate White

2 thoughts on “photo reflection project

  1. Hello Yuan You, nice to meet you! I have chosed the same person. I love your sentence: ‘just follow your heart and never give up your dream.’ I think she is lucky because there are a lot of people who haven’t find their favorite. And I believe if everyone can find what is suitable for them, they will lead a happy life. I hope that one day you can find your ‘love’!

  2. Hi, Yuan You! I am Hu Tongshuo. I think you have a brief summary which is also understandable for the readers. You also have a citation and told us your explaining to he story, also the advantages of the woman.

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