MODULE 7 BLOG: Final Reflection Blog Post

It’s the end of the course but not the end of the strategies and tools application. Now all sorts of feelings well up in my mind. I really appreciate the professor.

Before taking the course and at the beginning of the course, I knew nothing about the wonderful strategies, authoritative resources and useful tools. All I knew was what former students and teachers told me. However, after taking this course, I knew google calendar, an online tool that better than hand-written plan. I knew how to make the best use of time by learning time management strategies. I knew which websites was the best in which fields. I learned more than that. I would like to apply all the strategies and tools in my future study.

The blog posts are the most important, useful and interesting things I learned. It’s like weekly work report. I will clearly know what I’m done this week rather than do it once and forget it forever. As a matter of fact, every tool and strategy is useful and saving time. I also learn about myself. I learn I am not stupid but I don’t have excellent approaches in the past. Now I am learning strategies, including these but not limits with this. I find some confidence in learning.

The most meaningful experience in the course should be the time tracking. During that week, I checked my schedule every time, hoped everything would happened like schedule. I was afraid of missing some task and forced myself to complete within the time period. However, I gradually found the shortcoming of the schedule and perfect it step by step. Thanks to the great schedule, I found my daily life was well-aligned and organized. At that time, I didn’t feel sleepy during study and I also improved my ability to focus on one thing rather than be distracted.

I will apply nearly everything in this class in the future. As I get the motivation and good direction in this course, I personally think it’s a chance that perfect my study methods. Each week, each topic fixed one problem. Every time I think it is the best strategy or tool, professor would provide another better one. Then I know there is no the best but the better. So, I start to find resources by myself and compare which one is more suitable for me. There is an old saying: “Select the essence, abandon its dross.” Always want to be the best one, I think I will success one day.

Learning so far, I would like to recommend my reader to find the true approach that suitable for them and time is really precious. Making the best of time is better than any methods in the world. After learning control your time, everything you do is much easier than you do now.


MODULE 6 BLOG: Searching and Researching Blog Post

In this module, I’ve learned a lot like how to use the online resources to help myself to find accurate files I need. The most useful thing maybe the Eight Great Search Strategies for College Students.
Google Basis, a huge database that can find anything students want. And Understanding Google search can make students easier to find the kinds of resources they need. Then, using Google advanced search can help students narrow down the range if they are not sure about what they really want to search for. And Google Scholar is an authoritative tool for students to search which advance the paper’s technicality.
Additionally, students need to find the searching way suitable for themselves. Through using TLC (terms, limits, construction) principles, students can have more approach to assess files they need. Moreover, the library is also can guide students to success in study. And using Library Multi-search (default search) is super convenient for students to screen the useful information. The last one is locating the right database that can assist students to screen unsure database according to the subject.
After learning this, I have used several databases to help me do other homework. It works very well due to I find the article I need, which makes my whole paper more authoritative, accurate and advanced. The ideas from this module I would put into practice in the future is always checking articles’ reliability, quality, and utility. I would like to recommend students to apply these strategies in academic works, which will lead students to success.

MODULE 5 BLOG: Web-Enhanced Listening and Viewing Strategies Blog Post

The most effective strategy for web-enhanced listening and viewing strategy I learned in this module is note-taking part. When I am taking lectures, it spends me most of time taking notes. Sometimes I even cannot record every key point I heard.  Fortunately, I have learned the five note-taking option in this module.

Get PPT before lecture and print it out (that was what I was doing in STAT class, it works good and my notes was better), type notes at the bottom of slides (not suit for me because I am not good at typing, but also a good methods), break up notebook paper that correspond to slides and focus on professor’s words when I don’t have PPT (very practical), type outline key points and divided to several parts for online course video (This is a completely new method for me, but super good). The best one I think is using templates to taking not like set a series of questions, cues, examples, summaries and then answer it during lesson.

As far as I am concerned, these are useful and can put into practice in the future. I would like to say that as long as the methods suit for you, you will study with more effciency.



Leonardo Da Vinci

I think my overview and conclusion is worse than the video’s conclusion. So I introduce this paragraph to conclude. Because I cannot think I have better words than this. “Renowned as the “Mind of the Renaissance,” the genius of Leonardo da Vinci reaches beyond the centuries. Painter, sculptor, engineer, and scientist, in each field Leonardo da Vinci was both master and pioneer. Creator of some of the world’s great artistic masterpieces, such as the Last Supper and the Mona Lisa, he was also a visionary whose fantastic inventions would become reality only hundreds of years after his death. Against a backdrop of 15th century Italian opulence, Da Vinci and the code he lived by follows the original Renaissance man through glittering palaces of merchant princes, accusations of blasphemy, and whispers of betrayal and romance–all to satisfy a limitless desire for knowledge.”

There’s a rule in study. It says: “if you want to learn a painting, you must know its painter.” I have studied Last Supper and the Mona Lisa in my Western history class but seldom learn about painter. All I know is he is one of the greatest artist in the world. Then, after watching this video, I learn its background and I learn almost full life of Leonardo da Vinci. It’s really impressive and I have more interest on other painter’s story.

MODULE 4 BLOG: Web-Enhanced Reading & Study Strategies

The most effective strategy for reading and studying online I learned in this module is always doing preparation. Before doing something, during doing something or after doing something are three essential periods that all influence each. Always doing preparation makes the whole things easier to solve than before. When students learning online, they should see overview first which understand their purpose, highlight key words and ask themselves questions to have a good command of the chapter. Because of the differences between online reading and traditional reading, many things need to change like the way to read.

Moreover, I learned how to use online tools to organize topics and ideas. Also, I know how to evaluate the online information and services. They are useful. For example, I sign up an account in timeline website and other useful websites, I use it help me to remember what I need to learn like the timeline of Western History. Sometimes it’s easy to mix up if use handwriting. But computer seldom makes mistakes. Online tools are useful most of time.

As far as I am concerned, these are useful and can put into practice in the future. Some online tools are benefits in time management, which helps a lot if I have work and study that need to balance. I would like to say for students that discover more online tools, it really works well and always do preparation!

Module 3: Communicating and Collaboration

I think the most useful thing I learn so far in this module is netiquette. As far as I am concerned, netiquette is really important in a relationship like classmates and professors, especially for an online course. So the only way to know each other is communicate online. If I need some help from my classmates or professors, I think no one could deny they will help the person who respect them which shows on the communication. It’s the most essential factor to give a good impression in communication and collaboration. Good netiquette brings benefits in communication and collaboration.

Take yourself as an example. Will you cooperate with a man with good netiquette or a man with bad manner as their level of ability is same? This is also an experiment I have asked many people. As a result, there is no doubt that all of the experimenters choose a man with good netiquette because it creates a good environment in the relationship.

In the following future, I will actively learn how to use netiquette and show my respects to the person who deserve it. In addition, I definitely agree “Treat your classmates in an online course the same way you would in a regular classroom. You are learning as a unit, not as an individual” as a suggestion.


Watkins, R. (2014). E-Learning Companion: Student’s Guide to Online Success, 4th Edition. Retrieved from


Who am I

100 days since I was born

100 days since I was born

Basic introduction

Though I was born in Hubei, now I live in Guangzhou and study there. The fact is that my parents are working in Guangzhou and I want to stay with them, for this reason, I came to Guangzhou. I’m the only child of my family, so sometimes I wish I could have a great brother or sister so that I can buy a lot of toys for him or her. When I stay alone at home, I prefer to practice yoga and read books. However, I am also an outside lover. I love riding, climbing, enjoying the sunlight.

My unique experience

I comleted my yoga class

I comleted my yoga class

When I was a little girl, I had made so many friends because of my interesting experience of transferring to so many schools. At first, I studied in Hubei then Guangzhou after grade 5. In my primary school, I transferred 3 times. I was always the youngest when I went to school and all of classmates took good care of me. But the most amazing and interesting thing for me is the friendships between my friends and me. If we argued today, we can immediately reconcile and play toys again. Now I just graduated from No.47 middle school.

Strange feeling

As for the reason I chose to go to the Ohio State University are many factors influence me. First of all, I think buckeye is so cute and I’ve no resistance to any lovely things. Secondly, I chose it is the ranking of accounting is very high, which is my ideal one. I was not sure that

I took it in my graduation day with my classmates

I took it in my graduation day with my classmates

what I was really interested in that field during the application period. I didn’t find my interest until my friend recommended this major. You know, it’s hard to believe that one could love one subject so quickly, but it happened to me. I plan to change my major into accounting and now my major is education.