MODULE 7 BLOG: Final Reflection Blog Post

It’s the end of the course but not the end of the strategies and tools application. Now all sorts of feelings well up in my mind. I really appreciate the professor.

Before taking the course and at the beginning of the course, I knew nothing about the wonderful strategies, authoritative resources and useful tools. All I knew was what former students and teachers told me. However, after taking this course, I knew google calendar, an online tool that better than hand-written plan. I knew how to make the best use of time by learning time management strategies. I knew which websites was the best in which fields. I learned more than that. I would like to apply all the strategies and tools in my future study.

The blog posts are the most important, useful and interesting things I learned. It’s like weekly work report. I will clearly know what I’m done this week rather than do it once and forget it forever. As a matter of fact, every tool and strategy is useful and saving time. I also learn about myself. I learn I am not stupid but I don’t have excellent approaches in the past. Now I am learning strategies, including these but not limits with this. I find some confidence in learning.

The most meaningful experience in the course should be the time tracking. During that week, I checked my schedule every time, hoped everything would happened like schedule. I was afraid of missing some task and forced myself to complete within the time period. However, I gradually found the shortcoming of the schedule and perfect it step by step. Thanks to the great schedule, I found my daily life was well-aligned and organized. At that time, I didn’t feel sleepy during study and I also improved my ability to focus on one thing rather than be distracted.

I will apply nearly everything in this class in the future. As I get the motivation and good direction in this course, I personally think it’s a chance that perfect my study methods. Each week, each topic fixed one problem. Every time I think it is the best strategy or tool, professor would provide another better one. Then I know there is no the best but the better. So, I start to find resources by myself and compare which one is more suitable for me. There is an old saying: “Select the essence, abandon its dross.” Always want to be the best one, I think I will success one day.

Learning so far, I would like to recommend my reader to find the true approach that suitable for them and time is really precious. Making the best of time is better than any methods in the world. After learning control your time, everything you do is much easier than you do now.


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