

I primarily teach courses in Chinese linguistics, including syntax, semantics, bilingualism, and writing system. I also do independent/thesis/dissertation research courses with students. In addition, I offer an undergraduate general education course on traditional Chinese culture

Chinese 231/2231: Traditional Chinese Culture (SP2012, AU2012, SP2014, AU2014)
Chinese 580/4380: The Chinese Language (WI2012, AU2013)
Chinese 4383: The Chinese Language and Its Script (AU2012, SP2015)
Chinese 784/7384: Chinese Syntax (AU2011, SP2014)
Chinese 889/8897: Department Seminar (WI2012, SP2013, AU2014)

Note: OSU courses were renumbered from three digits to four digits, when the university converted from the quarter system to the semester system in 2012/2013.

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