Perusing Paris

“I really just want to find a market in Paris.” My sister had to have been tired of hearing these words come out of my mouth the weeks leading up to my departure. I had been dreaming of shopping in Paris since I was a little girl, but I can’t afford the kind of shopping I was dreaming of. Instead of browsing Burberry or perusing Prada I had to find a local market to explore. While on my way to Saint Chapelle, I stumbled across an art and book market on the Seine River. The wind was blowing in my hair; the Parisians were whizzing around me. Green, wooden kiosks were set up on the cement wall. Vogue covers, French novels, and Time magazines were flowing in the breeze. The art of Paris had surrounded me. I felt like a true Parisian spending my afternoon reading book covers and sifting through posters. Or, maybe, I just felt like a true tourist. I ended up purchasing some decorations for my apartment next year, which I had been searching for the last few months. I cannot wait to tell my roommates of the market I found my Paris themed decoration. Later I learned the vendors inherit their stations in the same way a New York taxi driver inherits his taxi medallion. It was cool to learn about the similarity between the two big cities. Surrounded by water, the cities gather as community to enjoy each other’s time and talents.

Above is a brief portion of the market next to the Seine.

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