The Monuments not Returned

The Carytid Statue

The Carytid Statue

Many don’t know much about what I like; however, you all know I like WWII history. I don’t talk about the other eras and periods I want because we never get into them due to the class being World War II focused. On a free day in London, I found myself at the British Museum to look at the exhibits. While there, I spent the most time looking at the exhibits and artifacts from the ancient world. All sorts of artifacts from locations where the British once ruled or helped fight in battle. In one of the ancient Greek exhibits, we came across the final statue of the Caryatid sisters. For years, the Greek Government has been trying to get the state back from the British. The other Caryatid sisters are at the new Acropolis Museum in Athens. Back during the Napoleonic wars, the British were in Greece, and that is when it is believed they found and took the statue.

The Caryatid Statue

Not only was there the last Caryatid sister statue, but there were also many other neat artifacts, like a completed Nereid Monument and parts of the Parthenon from Athens. The artifacts in the museum here are either made into replicas and returned to their origin countries, brought over when the British were ruling the country, given as a gift, and placed at the museum for safekeeping. The Caryatid sister statute is and example of when a member of when the nation acquired the statue back in the 1800s. Most people would go shopping, drinking, exploring the monuments and famous places when they’re on vacation or it’s a study abroad free day. I however do not like going shopping or exploring the places I see on social media. I almost always have a plan when I go somewhere., its rare that I wouldn’t have a plan or multiple plans. I went to the British Museum because its highly probable that I won’t get to see it again.

The Nereid Monument

The Nereid Monument


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