Combining Experiences of Ohio State Abroad Programs: The Impact of Logistics on World War II

As we traveled throughout London, my global insurance experience has applied to many aspects of World War II. Last summer I was fortunate enough to intern in Singapore for one month through Ohio State’s Fisher Global Consulting Program and combine my accounting and history majors. I worked in trade credit insurance and learned about insuring global trade. In this experience got to not only see Singapore’s logistical and economic power today, but also its dark history during World War II. Britain heavily invested into Singapore through its naval base and floating dock that would eventually fall into the hands of the Japanese Empire. The Japanese occupying Singapore is remembered as one of the darkest times in Singapore’s history. The Japanese implemented forced labor programs, brutal treatment, and executions of people with Chinese descent.  

In London it was fascinating to see the impact geography and logistics had on the war.  At the Imperial War Museum, I got to see the transportation vehicles and other various equipment used to logistically support the Allies. At the Churchill War Rooms, I got to see the complex, all-out effort of the Allies in their strategic efforts and planning to sustain the war. Our visit to Bletchley Park provided numerous examples of logistical impacts from using the cracked German codes to better position Allied assets, or even the transportation of information through motorcycle dispatch riders. This mass effort from Britain sustained their fight in World War II and significantly contributed to Allies victory. 

It fascinates me to see various logistical challenges get solved throughout the world leading to success in war, business, and an efficient world. My abroad experiences have been highly beneficial and inspiring to my future career aspirations in international business.

Attached: Photo taken in London and naval shipments into Singapore from the office I worked at 

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