
I am glad to be at OSU, helping women live healthier lives.

2 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. I presented a talk on “Professionalism in OB/GYN” at the NASPOG Conference in Columbus, Ohio, yesterday.

  2. Hope this message finds you well.

    My wife who is 35 weeks pregnant relocated to Columbus around 4 weeks ago due to work. She just got her insurance (Aetna) and is urgently looking for an appointment with an Obstetrician to see her before she delivers. She was look after her Doctor until week 30 and has all documents and ultrasounds with her. She works at NCH as a researcher.

    We are desperate to find a doctor that can help us see her, as all the hospital/ doctors she has contacted refuse to see her.

    Would appreciate if you could assist us or direct us in the right direction.

    Thanks for your help in advance.

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