Issues and Answers

Last Friday, an open forum provided an opportunity for faculty, staff, and students to review the draft strategic plan as well as the planning process and provide feedback. Comments on the strategic plan were included in the revision which will be sent to the Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) next week.  We also have made some changes to the accessibility of information about the report and planning process. Some of these issues and their results are:

Better communication with students

Moving forward, we are making an effort to send an email version of the blog to everyone at the College of Pharmacy, including students. If you know of anyone who should be receiving this email and is not, please contact Laura Wise-Blau:

Easier access to the blog

In addition to finding the blog at, you may use these links to find the blog on our website:

Faculty & Staff Resources page (under College Resources):

Central Business Office Information for Faculty page;

Posting a copy of the strategic plan online

Once the plan has been sent to university for review, we will share the draft online. Look for more information about this an upcoming blog entry.

Until next week,

Mann signature200 transparent

Dean and Professor
College of Pharmacy
The Ohio State University

Give Us Your Feedback

As we are nearing our deadline for sending our draft strategic plan to the university, I encourage you to review our materials and give your input. The plan is available on Carmen in College Documents; please contact Kathy Kelley at if you cannot find it. If you are able, please attend our open forum from 1-2:30 today in room 250 Parks Hall. We will be discussing the strategic focus areas of our plan, which are:

 Teaching and Learning

  • Enrich the student experience
  • Implement revised contemporary curricula

 Research and Innovation

  • Become the drug discovery and development (D3) home for existing and emerging areas of research strength across OSU
  • Enhance the culture of success through faculty development
  •  Develop and validate clinical practice models to enhance patient care

 Outreach & Engagement

  • Foster a culture and infrastructure for Outreach and Engagement
  • Engage professionals and the public
  • Advocate for practice change

Resource Stewardship Strategic Focus Areas

  • Foster an environment that cultivates an unsurpassed faculty, and staff in the way that we teach, conduct research, and care for patients
  • Recruit & retain stellar faculty, staff and students
  •  Develop space, technology, instrumentation, and personnel infrastructure to support our mission
  •  Create and promote The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy brand

I look forward to hearing your ideas.

Until next week,

Mann signature200 transparent

Dean and Professor
College of Pharmacy
The Ohio State University

The State of the Plan

The strategic planning process began with a comprehensive scan of the environment as well as multiple SWOT analyses with key stakeholders groups. In all, eight different groups participated in SWOT analysis sessions or surveys that were conducted. The environmental scan yielded formed a critical context for our strategic plan.

Last December, a day-long retreat was held to review and provide input for the revision of the college mission and vision, as well as to begin discussions and generate ideas around each of the four core goals of the strategic plan (teaching and learning; research and innovation, outreach and engagement and resource stewardship). New mission, vision, and values statements were crafted by a team of 19 faculty and staff (our writing team)and affirmed by the college community in February.

Idea sessions were held with key faculty and staff members for each of the four core goal areas, as well as for each of our academic programs. These sessions were informed by the environmental scan and led to the formation of the focus areas and subsequent implantation initiatives for each of the four core goals. At this point, the writing team reviewed and refined the focus areas and implementation initiatives, presenting them at open brown bag lunch sessions in March and April. Updates on the process were presented at faculty and staff meetings in spring semester and drafts were posted on the college documents Carmen site. A writing team retreat was held in late May to finalize a draft.

Our work culminates with a draft plan to faculty, which we will share today. At a later point, we will post the plan on this site.

Moving forward, we will have a faculty/staff open forum from 1 p.m.-2:30 p.m., on June 13 (room 250 Parks Hall) and a Carmen Connect session in early June. On June 30, our team will send the draft plan to the university, for their feedback.

Until next week,

Mann signature200 transparent

Dean and Professor
College of Pharmacy
The Ohio State University

Plans on the Horizon

We’ve made a few tweaks to the blog, including adding a WordPress version via You may continue reading our blog as email, or you can see each week’s posts, along with archived posts at knowledge dispensary blog. You may also leave comments at our blog’s new home. I welcome any and all input.

The strategic writing team met last Friday to review material. The recommendations that were made are currently being addressed. During the discussion, each of the Four Core Goals were discussed extensively. The Four Core Goals are:

  • Teaching and Learning
  • Research and Innovation
  • Outreach and Engagement
  • Resource Stewardship

Proposed Strategic Focus Areas under each of the Four Core Goals have been further evaluated. Dr. Kelley is making revisions based on the input from the Strategic Plan Writing Committee this week and a new draft version is expected to be available for viewing next week.

Until next week,

Mann signature200 transparent

Dean and Professor
College of Pharmacy
The Ohio State University

Why A Strategic Plan?

I thought I would use this entry to review the whys of doing a strategic plan (beyond it being a requirement of the University).
In order to be successful at The College of Pharmacy, we must explicitly understand who we are, what we do, and where we want to go in order to become a stronger and more effective organization.
Our strategic plan serves as a map that charts how we will execute our chosen strategy. It will spell out our focus over the next several years and describe how we will accomplish our vision.
So why is this helpful?
• It will enable us to have stronger collaborations and better cohesion between and among departments and divisions
• It will force us to better prioritize our resources
• It will provide a clear direction as we move from plan to action
• Ultimately, it will help build our competitive advantage in attracting top students, quality faculty and plentiful resources
Because our strategic plan will focus the energy, resources and time of everyone here at the college, please know that each of you is integral to its success.

Until next week,

Mann signature200 transparent

Dean and Professor
College of Pharmacy
The Ohio State University


Welcome to the inaugural post of the Knowledge Dispensary, a weekly blog about The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy strategic plan. This blog has been developed with the guidance of our Communications Director, Laura Wise-Blau. The purpose is to be sure we keep all members of our College informed and involved with the finalization and implementation of the strategic plan.
For those of you who are not intimately familiar with blogging (including me), don’t worry that this will be overly complicated. A blog is simply an electronic journal. I intend to use this blog to walk each of you through our strategic plan, its strategies and goals, our progress, and as we move forward, our implementation plans. Technology continues to ramp up its influence on our daily lives, including how we teach, conduct research and communicate. Distance learning is now commonplace, with its many opportunities as well as challenges. This blog is just another example of accepting that change in the College.
What hasn’t changed is our commitment to providing the highest level of research and teaching, attracting top faculty and staff, and enrolling students with the highest potential.
Through our strategic plan, we are answering the following:
•Who are we?
•Where do we want to go?
•How can we get there?
•How will we measure our success?
Associate Dean Katherine Kelley, Erin Delffs and Joanne Pearsol serve as our strategic plan leaders. To date, they have organized the structure of our plan. They have gathered data through internal and external SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analyses. They are also preparing a draft plan, which we will share late next month. This plan will serve as a foundation for more detailed action plans to be developed by our units.
I hope this blog will provide each of you with insight into our aspirations for this college. We have much to be proud of, and I look forward to working with you to move us even further ahead.

Until next week,

Mann signature200 transparent
Dean and Professor
College of Pharmacy
The Ohio State University