University Feedback

Over the past week, Dean Kelley, Joanne Pearsol and Erin Delffs met with Mike Boehm and Julie Carpenter-Hubin from the Office of Academic Affairs and received feedback on our strategic plan draft. Mike and Julie encouraged the use of a logic model and accompanying processes to clarify and refine our implementation initiatives and to answer broad questions of why we chose these initiatives and what impact they will have. This exercise will help articulate what bigger, grander things we wish to accomplish. An example from our strategic plan would be the revision of our curricula. Why do we want to revise our programs, and what impact will this have? Ultimately, we want to attract the best students to the Ohio State College of Pharmacy, and subsequently have curricula that prepare students in ways that make them top picks by employers when they graduate. The strategic plan writing team will meet on September 8 and will review these revisions.

A copy of the draft strategic plan can be found at

Until next week,
Mann signature200 transparent
Dean and Professor
College of Pharmacy
The Ohio State University

Implementation Plans

As we enter a new academic year, we will begin the implementation phase of the strategic plan. Dean Kelley and Joanne Pearsol will begin meeting with standing committees, deans, and directors to provide templates and tools to guide in the generation of action plans and tracking for the implementation initiatives of the strategic plan. During these meetings, they will review the charges to the committees, answer questions, and share the resources available to assist with this phase. We are still waiting on comments from central administration.

A copy of the draft strategic plan can be found at

Until next week,
Mann signature200 transparent
Dean and Professor
College of Pharmacy
The Ohio State University

Further Feedback

We continue to refine the strategic plan based on the feedback from some of our key stakeholders. One message we heard from the Dean’s Corporate Council was that the introduction of the plan should include two additional sections: a brief description of the steps we will take to accomplish the plan, along with a showcase of some of our strengths. They encouraged us to brag a little about our assets such as our drug discovery and development research programs, our innovative ambulatory care practices, and the Latiolais Leadership Program. Be on the lookout for the updated plan (coming soon) to include these new additions.

A copy of the draft strategic plan can be found at

Until next week,
Mann signature200 transparent
Dean and Professor
College of Pharmacy
The Ohio State University

Setting Priorities

This week I met with deans Carnes and Kelley, as well as with Erin Delffs and Joanne Pearsol, to prioritize the implementation initiatives of the strategic plan. While every initiative in the plan is important to our future success, we cannot begin working on them all at the same time. Thus, we assigned an A, B or C priority and a responsible party to each item. In the upcoming weeks, we will be rolling out assignments to various committees and responsible parties. In advance of these assignments, Dean Kelley will meet with individuals to review initiatives and provide background tools and materials.

Please remember that this blog and a copy of the draft strategic plan can be found at

Until next week,

Mann signature200 transparent


Dean and Professor
College of Pharmacy

Latiolais Feedback

This week, we participated in a teleconference with the Latiolais Leadership Program (LLP) Executive Committee. As we found with Corporate Council last week, the feedback from the LLP Executive Committee was thoughtful and will be useful as we move into our implementation initiatives. The Executive Committee challenged us to think creatively and aggressively about updating our curricula to ensure that our students are well prepared for the challenges of the changing face of pharmacy. They emphasized the importance of partnerships with external agencies to promote and enhance pharmacy practice. They also pointed out the import role the college should play in developing the next generation of pharmacy practice leadership.

Please remember that this blog and a copy of the draft strategic plan can be found at A draft copy of the strategic plan can be found here.

Until next week,

Mann signature200 transparent


Dean and Professor
College of Pharmacy