New Voices

In the past few months of posts, we’ve shared updates from a variety of voices within the College of Pharmacy community.  So far, though, we haven’t brought you the direct voices of some of the most important members of our community: our students.  This week, I invited Ms. May Matsunami, president of Pharmacy Council, to share a few words about some of the work the council has been doing this year.

For those of you who may not be familiar with our student governance structure, Pharmacy Council (short for “College of Pharmacy Student Council”) is the umbrella organization for students and student organizations within the college.  This group serves as a primary link between students, faculty and alumni in the college, and upholds the values of student self-governance, service to the community and the integrity of the profession of pharmacy. 

Council officers are PharmD students, but the bi monthly meetings are open to Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences, PharmD or PhD students.  This year, we have four outstanding PharmD students serving as officers:  President May Matsunami, Vice President Kristine Mason, Secretary Alyssa Nacke, and Treasurer Sarah Wiesner.  These students have provided important leadership for the activities that May describes below:

As the umbrella organization for all student organizations and classes in the College of Pharmacy, Pharmacy Council serves as the coordinating link between students, faculty, and alumni. This academic year, we have both continued traditions and forged new paths. In August, we welcomed the Class of 2018, getting to know them at the involvement fair and white coat ceremony, and later running the P1 class officer elections. We welcomed great speakers, including most recently the admissions staff from the College of Public Health to highlight the dual PharmD/Master of Public Health degree. The P3 class led the rest of the classes in a successful adopt-a-family event for the holidays, with a wonderful gift turnout for three deserving families.

In keeping with the changing times, new ideas were put in motion as well. Student feedback from the Dean’s Town Hall and Dean’s Lunch meetings prompted changes that allowed students to more readily participate in the Ohio Pharmacists Association’s Student Legislative Day on March 24. By doing so, we hope to increase OSU’s presence and participation at this event and reflect our students’ passion for furthering our profession. Other changes from this year include updating the Pharmacy Council Constitution to better reflect the organizations we serve, and assisting with the Executive Committee’s ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

As we approach the end of the school year, we look forward to several exciting events. The first is the annual Student-Faculty Night Out on March 7, where Ohio State men’s ice hockey will face Minnesota. On April 2, we are honored to be welcoming Dr. Dennis Helling as part of the Milap Nahata Distinguished Lecturer series. Plans are currently underway for our annual Pharmacy Ball, to be held at the Ohio Union on April 17 for students, faculty, and alumni. We also look forward to greater collaboration with our alumni in assisting with their first ever 5K, also to take place in April. In spring semester and beyond, Pharmacy Council hopes to continue strengthening the ties between students, faculty, and alumni.

Go Bucks!

Thank you May and all of the active members of Pharmacy Council for all of your hard work this year. 

Best regards,

Katherine Kelley

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