University Feedback

Over the past week, Dean Kelley, Joanne Pearsol and Erin Delffs met with Mike Boehm and Julie Carpenter-Hubin from the Office of Academic Affairs and received feedback on our strategic plan draft. Mike and Julie encouraged the use of a logic model and accompanying processes to clarify and refine our implementation initiatives and to answer broad questions of why we chose these initiatives and what impact they will have. This exercise will help articulate what bigger, grander things we wish to accomplish. An example from our strategic plan would be the revision of our curricula. Why do we want to revise our programs, and what impact will this have? Ultimately, we want to attract the best students to the Ohio State College of Pharmacy, and subsequently have curricula that prepare students in ways that make them top picks by employers when they graduate. The strategic plan writing team will meet on September 8 and will review these revisions.

A copy of the draft strategic plan can be found at

Until next week,
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Dean and Professor
College of Pharmacy
The Ohio State University

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