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  1. Winston, R.J., Smolek, A.P., Dorsey, J.D., and Hunt, W.F. (2018). “Modeling the hydrologic performance of bioretention stormwater controls in northern Ohio using DRAINMOD: Calibration, validation, and sensitivity analysis.” Journal of Hydrology. In preparation.
  2. Smolek, A.P., Winston, R.J., Dorsey, J.D., and Hunt, W.F. (2018). “Modeling the hydrologic performance of permeable pavements under climate change in Ohio, USA.” Journal of Hydrology. In preparation.
  3. Purvis, R.A., Hunt, W.F., Winston, R.J., Lipscomb, B., Narayanaswamy, K., McDaniel, A., Lauffer, M., and Libes, S. (2018). “Evaluating the hydrologic benefits of a bioswale in Brunswick County, NC.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment. In preparation.
  4. Søberg, L., Winston, R.J., Viklander, M., and Blecken, G.T. (2019). “Dissolved metal adsorption capacities and fractionation in filter materials for use in stormwater bioretention facilities.” Water Research. In review.
  5. Winston, R.J., Arend, K.K., Dorsey, J.D., Johnson, J.P., and Hunt, W.F. (2019). Hydrologic performance of a permeable pavement and stormwater harvesting treatment train stormwater control measure.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment. In review.
  6. Baird, J., Winston, R.J., and Hunt, W.F. (2019). “Evaluating the Hydrologic and Water Quality Performance of Novel Infiltrating Wet Ponds. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment. In Review.
  7. Smolek, A.P.,Winston, R.J., and Hunt, W.F. (2018). “Hydrologic and water quality performance of a permeable pavement with internal water storage over a Hydrologic Soil Group D soil in North Carolina.” Journal of Environmental Management. 224, 277-287.
  8. Cizek, A.R., Hunt, W.F., Winston, R.J., Waickowski, S.E., Narayanaswamy, K., and Lauffer, M.S. (2018). “Water Quality and Hydrologic Performance of a Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance (RSC) in the Piedmont of North Carolina.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 144(8), 04018062.
  9. Winston, R.J., Powell, J.T., and Hunt, W.F. (2018). “Evaluating the hydrologic effects of retrofitting a vegetated swale with rock check dams.” Urban Water Journal. DOI: 1080/1573062X.2018.1455881.
  10. Winston, R.J., Dorsey, J.D., Smolek, A.P., and Hunt, W.F. (2018). “Hydrologic performance of four permeable pavements situated over clayey soils in northern Ohio.” Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 23(4), 04018007.
  11. Purvis, R., Winston, R.J., Hunt, W.F., Lipscomb, B., Narayanaswamy, K., McDaneil, A., and Lauffer, M. (2018). “Evaluating the water quality benefits of a bioswale treating stormwater in Brunswick County, NC.” Water. 10(2), 134. 10.3390/w10020134.
  12. Cizek, A.R., Hunt, W.F., Winston, R.J., and Lauffer, M.S. (2017). “Hydrologic performance of regenerative stormwater conveyance (RSC) in the North Carolina coastal plain.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 143(9), 05017003.
  13. Winston, R.J., Hunt, W.F., and Pluer, W.T. (2017). “Nutrient and sediment reduction through upflow filtration of stormwater retention pond effluent.” Journal of Environmental Engineering, 143(5), 06017002.
  14. Winston, R.J., Anderson, A.R., and Hunt, W.F. (2017). “Modeling sediment reduction in grass swales and vegetated filter strips using particle settling theory.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 143(1), 1-11. 04016075.
  15. Winston, R.J. and Hunt, W.F. (2017). “Characterizing runoff from roadways: particle size distributions, nutrients, and gross solids.” Journal of Environmental Engineering.”143(1), 1-12. 04016074.
  16. Winston, R.J., Al-Rubaei, A.M., Blecken, G.T., and Hunt, W.F. (2016). “A simple infiltration test for determination of permeable pavement maintenance needs.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 142(10), 06016005.
  17. Winston, R.J., Davidson-Bennett, K., Buccier, K., and Hunt, W.F. (2016). “Seasonal variability in stormwater quality treatment of permeable pavements situated over heavy clay and in a cold climate.” Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 227: 140.
  18. Hathaway, J.M., Winston, R.J., Brown, R.A., Hunt, W.F., and McCarthy, D.T. (2016). “Thermal dynamics of urban stormwater runoff in Australia and the USA.” Science of the Total Environment. 559, 141-150.
  19. Winston, R.J., Dorsey, J.D., and Hunt, W.F. (2016). “Quantifying volume reduction and peak flow mitigation for three bioretention cells in clay soils in northeast Ohio.” Science of the Total Environment. 553, 83-95.
  20. Winston, R.J., Al-Rubaei, A.M., Blecken, G.T., Viklander, M., and Hunt, W.F. (2016). “Maintenance measures for preservation and recovery of permeable pavement surface infiltration rate – the effects of street sweeping, vacuum cleaning, high pressure washing, and milling.” Journal of Environmental Management. 169, 132-144.
  21. Page, J.L., Winston, R.J., Mayes, D.B., Perrin, C., and Hunt, W.F. (2015). “Hydrologic mitigation of impervious cover in the municipal right-of-way through innovative stormwater control measures.” Journal of Hydrology. 527, 923-932.
  22. Page, J.L., Winston, R.J., and Hunt, W.F. (2015). “Soils beneath suspended pavements: An opportunity for stormwater control and treatment.” Ecological Engineering. 82, 40-48.
  23. Borne, K.E., Fassman-Beck, E.A., Winston, R.J., Hunt, W.F., and Tanner, C.C. (2015). “Implementation and maintenance of floating treatment wetlands for urban stormwater management.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 141(11), 04015030.
  24. Page, J.L., Winston, R.J., Mayes, D.B., Perrin, C., and Hunt, W.F. (2015). “Retrofitting residential streets with stormwater control measures for water quality improvement at the catchment-scale.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 141(4), 04014076.
  25. Wilson, C.E., Hunt, W.F., Winston, R.J., and Smith, P. (2015). “A comparison of runoff quality and quantity from a commercial low impact development and a conventional development in Raleigh, NC.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 141(2), 05014005.
  26. Winston, R.J., Lauffer, M.S., McDaniel, A.H., Narayanaswamy, K., Lipscomb, B.S., Nice, A.J., and Hunt, W.F. (2015). “Comparing bridge deck runoff and stormwater control measure effluent quality in North Carolina.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 141(1), 04014045.
  27. Wilson, C.E., Hunt, W.F., Winston, R.J., and Smith, P.K. (2014). “Assessment of a rainwater harvesting system for pollutant mitigation at a commercial location in Raleigh, NC.” Water, Science, and Technology: Water Supply. 14(2), 283-290.
  28. Wardynski, B.J., Winston, R.J., Hunt, W.F., and Line, D.E. (2014). “Metrics for assessing thermal performance of stormwater control measures.” Ecological Engineering. 71, 551-562.
  29. Merriman, L.S., Dumonceau, C.E., Winston, R.J., and Hunt, W.F. (2013). “Determining the fraction of the temporary storage volume occupied by emergent vegetation in constructed stormwater wetlands and a hybrid wet pond.” Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 18(10), 1372-1376.
  30. Winston, R.J., Hunt, W.F., Kennedy, S.G., Merriman, L.S., Chandler, J., and Brown, D. (2013). “Evaluation of floating treatment wetlands as retrofits to existing stormwater retention ponds.” Ecological Engineering. 54, 254-265.
  31. Bouchard, N.R., Osmond, D.L., Winston, R.J., Hunt, W.F. (2013). “The capacity of roadside vegetated filter strips and swales to sequester carbon.” Ecological Engineering. 54, 227-232.
  32. Knight, E.M.P., Hunt, W.F., and Winston, R.J. (2013). “Side by side evaluation of four level spreader – vegetated filter strips and a swale in eastern North Carolina.” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 68(1), 60-72.
  33. Wardynski, B.J., Winston, R.J., Hunt, W.F. (2013). “Internal water storage enhances exfiltration and thermal load reduction from permeable pavement in the North Carolina mountains.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 139(2), 187-195.
  34. Jones, M.P., Hunt, W.F., and Winston, R.J. (2012). “Effect of urban catchment composition on runoff temperature.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 138(12), 1231-1236.
  35. Eck, B.J, Winston, R.J., Hunt, W.F., and Barrett, M.E. (2012). “Water quality of drainage from permeable friction course.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 138(2), 174-181.
  36. Winston, R.J., Hunt, W.F., Kennedy, S.G., Wright, J.D., and Lauffer, M.S. (2012). “Field evaluation of stormwater control measures for treatment of highway runoff in North Carolina.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 138(1), 101-111.
  37. Luell, S.K., Hunt, W.F., and Winston, R.J. (2011). “Evaluation of undersized bioretention stormwater control measures for treatment of highway bridge deck runoff.” Water, Science, and Technology. 64(4), 974-979.
  38. Winston, R.J., Hunt, W.F., and Lord, W.G. (2011). “Assessment of level spreader – vegetative filter strips for thermal mitigation of urban stormwater.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 137(8), 707-716.
  39. Winston,J., Hunt, W.F., Osmond, D.L., Lord, W.G., Woodward, M.D. (2011). “Field evaluation of four level spreader – vegetative filter strips to improve urban stormwater quality.” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 137(3), 170-182.
  40. Hunt, W.F., Hathaway, J.M., Winston,J., and Jadlocki, J.D. (2010). “Runoff volume reduction by a level spreader – vegetated filter strip system in suburban Charlotte, NC.” Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 15(6), 499-503.