Link to Google Scholar:
- Winston, R.J., Smolek, A.P., Dorsey, J.D., and Hunt, W.F. (2018). “Modeling the hydrologic performance of bioretention stormwater controls in northern Ohio using DRAINMOD: Calibration, validation, and sensitivity analysis.” Journal of Hydrology. In preparation.
- Smolek, A.P., Winston, R.J., Dorsey, J.D., and Hunt, W.F. (2018). “Modeling the hydrologic performance of permeable pavements under climate change in Ohio, USA.” Journal of Hydrology. In preparation.
- Purvis, R.A., Hunt, W.F., Winston, R.J., Lipscomb, B., Narayanaswamy, K., McDaniel, A., Lauffer, M., and Libes, S. (2018). “Evaluating the hydrologic benefits of a bioswale in Brunswick County, NC.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment. In preparation.
- Søberg, L., Winston, R.J., Viklander, M., and Blecken, G.T. (2019). “Dissolved metal adsorption capacities and fractionation in filter materials for use in stormwater bioretention facilities.” Water Research. In review.
- Winston, R.J., Arend, K.K., Dorsey, J.D., Johnson, J.P., and Hunt, W.F. (2019). “Hydrologic performance of a permeable pavement and stormwater harvesting treatment train stormwater control measure.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment. In review.
- Baird, J., Winston, R.J., and Hunt, W.F. (2019). “Evaluating the Hydrologic and Water Quality Performance of Novel Infiltrating Wet Ponds. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment. In Review.
- Smolek, A.P.,Winston, R.J., and Hunt, W.F. (2018). “Hydrologic and water quality performance of a permeable pavement with internal water storage over a Hydrologic Soil Group D soil in North Carolina.” Journal of Environmental Management. 224, 277-287.
- Cizek, A.R., Hunt, W.F., Winston, R.J., Waickowski, S.E., Narayanaswamy, K., and Lauffer, M.S. (2018). “Water Quality and Hydrologic Performance of a Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance (RSC) in the Piedmont of North Carolina.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 144(8), 04018062.
- Winston, R.J., Powell, J.T., and Hunt, W.F. (2018). “Evaluating the hydrologic effects of retrofitting a vegetated swale with rock check dams.” Urban Water Journal. DOI: 1080/1573062X.2018.1455881.
- Winston, R.J., Dorsey, J.D., Smolek, A.P., and Hunt, W.F. (2018). “Hydrologic performance of four permeable pavements situated over clayey soils in northern Ohio.” Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 23(4), 04018007.
- Purvis, R., Winston, R.J., Hunt, W.F., Lipscomb, B., Narayanaswamy, K., McDaneil, A., and Lauffer, M. (2018). “Evaluating the water quality benefits of a bioswale treating stormwater in Brunswick County, NC.” Water. 10(2), 134. 10.3390/w10020134.
- Cizek, A.R., Hunt, W.F., Winston, R.J., and Lauffer, M.S. (2017). “Hydrologic performance of regenerative stormwater conveyance (RSC) in the North Carolina coastal plain.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 143(9), 05017003.
- Winston, R.J., Hunt, W.F., and Pluer, W.T. (2017). “Nutrient and sediment reduction through upflow filtration of stormwater retention pond effluent.” Journal of Environmental Engineering, 143(5), 06017002.
- Winston, R.J., Anderson, A.R., and Hunt, W.F. (2017). “Modeling sediment reduction in grass swales and vegetated filter strips using particle settling theory.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 143(1), 1-11. 04016075.
- Winston, R.J. and Hunt, W.F. (2017). “Characterizing runoff from roadways: particle size distributions, nutrients, and gross solids.” Journal of Environmental Engineering.”143(1), 1-12. 04016074.
- Winston, R.J., Al-Rubaei, A.M., Blecken, G.T., and Hunt, W.F. (2016). “A simple infiltration test for determination of permeable pavement maintenance needs.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 142(10), 06016005.
- Winston, R.J., Davidson-Bennett, K., Buccier, K., and Hunt, W.F. (2016). “Seasonal variability in stormwater quality treatment of permeable pavements situated over heavy clay and in a cold climate.” Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 227: 140.
- Hathaway, J.M., Winston, R.J., Brown, R.A., Hunt, W.F., and McCarthy, D.T. (2016). “Thermal dynamics of urban stormwater runoff in Australia and the USA.” Science of the Total Environment. 559, 141-150.
- Winston, R.J., Dorsey, J.D., and Hunt, W.F. (2016). “Quantifying volume reduction and peak flow mitigation for three bioretention cells in clay soils in northeast Ohio.” Science of the Total Environment. 553, 83-95.
- Winston, R.J., Al-Rubaei, A.M., Blecken, G.T., Viklander, M., and Hunt, W.F. (2016). “Maintenance measures for preservation and recovery of permeable pavement surface infiltration rate – the effects of street sweeping, vacuum cleaning, high pressure washing, and milling.” Journal of Environmental Management. 169, 132-144.
- Page, J.L., Winston, R.J., Mayes, D.B., Perrin, C., and Hunt, W.F. (2015). “Hydrologic mitigation of impervious cover in the municipal right-of-way through innovative stormwater control measures.” Journal of Hydrology. 527, 923-932.
- Page, J.L., Winston, R.J., and Hunt, W.F. (2015). “Soils beneath suspended pavements: An opportunity for stormwater control and treatment.” Ecological Engineering. 82, 40-48.
- Borne, K.E., Fassman-Beck, E.A., Winston, R.J., Hunt, W.F., and Tanner, C.C. (2015). “Implementation and maintenance of floating treatment wetlands for urban stormwater management.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 141(11), 04015030.
- Page, J.L., Winston, R.J., Mayes, D.B., Perrin, C., and Hunt, W.F. (2015). “Retrofitting residential streets with stormwater control measures for water quality improvement at the catchment-scale.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 141(4), 04014076.
- Wilson, C.E., Hunt, W.F., Winston, R.J., and Smith, P. (2015). “A comparison of runoff quality and quantity from a commercial low impact development and a conventional development in Raleigh, NC.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 141(2), 05014005.
- Winston, R.J., Lauffer, M.S., McDaniel, A.H., Narayanaswamy, K., Lipscomb, B.S., Nice, A.J., and Hunt, W.F. (2015). “Comparing bridge deck runoff and stormwater control measure effluent quality in North Carolina.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 141(1), 04014045.
- Wilson, C.E., Hunt, W.F., Winston, R.J., and Smith, P.K. (2014). “Assessment of a rainwater harvesting system for pollutant mitigation at a commercial location in Raleigh, NC.” Water, Science, and Technology: Water Supply. 14(2), 283-290.
- Wardynski, B.J., Winston, R.J., Hunt, W.F., and Line, D.E. (2014). “Metrics for assessing thermal performance of stormwater control measures.” Ecological Engineering. 71, 551-562.
- Merriman, L.S., Dumonceau, C.E., Winston, R.J., and Hunt, W.F. (2013). “Determining the fraction of the temporary storage volume occupied by emergent vegetation in constructed stormwater wetlands and a hybrid wet pond.” Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 18(10), 1372-1376.
- Winston, R.J., Hunt, W.F., Kennedy, S.G., Merriman, L.S., Chandler, J., and Brown, D. (2013). “Evaluation of floating treatment wetlands as retrofits to existing stormwater retention ponds.” Ecological Engineering. 54, 254-265.
- Bouchard, N.R., Osmond, D.L., Winston, R.J., Hunt, W.F. (2013). “The capacity of roadside vegetated filter strips and swales to sequester carbon.” Ecological Engineering. 54, 227-232.
- Knight, E.M.P., Hunt, W.F., and Winston, R.J. (2013). “Side by side evaluation of four level spreader – vegetated filter strips and a swale in eastern North Carolina.” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 68(1), 60-72.
- Wardynski, B.J., Winston, R.J., Hunt, W.F. (2013). “Internal water storage enhances exfiltration and thermal load reduction from permeable pavement in the North Carolina mountains.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 139(2), 187-195.
- Jones, M.P., Hunt, W.F., and Winston, R.J. (2012). “Effect of urban catchment composition on runoff temperature.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 138(12), 1231-1236.
- Eck, B.J, Winston, R.J., Hunt, W.F., and Barrett, M.E. (2012). “Water quality of drainage from permeable friction course.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 138(2), 174-181.
- Winston, R.J., Hunt, W.F., Kennedy, S.G., Wright, J.D., and Lauffer, M.S. (2012). “Field evaluation of stormwater control measures for treatment of highway runoff in North Carolina.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 138(1), 101-111.
- Luell, S.K., Hunt, W.F., and Winston, R.J. (2011). “Evaluation of undersized bioretention stormwater control measures for treatment of highway bridge deck runoff.” Water, Science, and Technology. 64(4), 974-979.
- Winston, R.J., Hunt, W.F., and Lord, W.G. (2011). “Assessment of level spreader – vegetative filter strips for thermal mitigation of urban stormwater.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. 137(8), 707-716.
- Winston,J., Hunt, W.F., Osmond, D.L., Lord, W.G., Woodward, M.D. (2011). “Field evaluation of four level spreader – vegetative filter strips to improve urban stormwater quality.” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 137(3), 170-182.
- Hunt, W.F., Hathaway, J.M., Winston,J., and Jadlocki, J.D. (2010). “Runoff volume reduction by a level spreader – vegetated filter strip system in suburban Charlotte, NC.” Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 15(6), 499-503.