Topdressing Wheat with Liquid Swine Manure

By:  Glen Arnold

Wheat fields are firming up across Ohio and topdressing with nitrogen fertilizer will soon start. Given the current fertilizer prices more livestock producers may be considering applying liquid swine manure as a top-dress for wheat. Continue reading Topdressing Wheat with Liquid Swine Manure

Transition to Organic Grain Workshop Offered on March 30

As many producers look to diversify their farms and find opportunities to increase on-farm revenues – one potential avenue to consider is organic grain production. A Transition to Organic Grains workshop offered through Ohio State University Extension in Putnam County will take place in Ottawa, OH at the Putnam County Educational Services Center on March 30, 2021 from 9 am to 2 pm. The workshop is designed to answer producers’ common questions when considering a move from conventional to organic production. What do I need to know and what steps do I need to take to transition my fields to organic production? How long will the process take? What markets are available for my grain? How do I approach fertilization, weed management, and pest control? These and many more questions will be answered by industry and extension experts – as well as first-hand experiences of organic farmers. Continue reading Transition to Organic Grain Workshop Offered on March 30