The Ohio State University: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Williams County Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update – Week #3

Williams County Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update – Week #3

By:  Stephanie Karhoff For the third week of Western Bean Cutworm (WBC) monitoring (July 1 -8) one moth per trap was observed. Scouting for egg masses is recommended when adult WBC trap counts average 7 or more moths per week…

Call for Cooperators – 2021 Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Program

Williams County OSU Extension will be monitoring for Western Bean Cutworm (WBC) moths again during the 2021 growing season. We currently have two farmer cooperators for 2021, with the goal of having five throughout Williams County. We are especially looking…

Williams County WBC Monitoring Update – Past Peak Flight

Williams County WBC Monitoring Update – Past Peak Flight

By:  Stephanie Karhoff For the eighth and ninth weeks of monitoring there were 0 moths per trap, indicating Williams County is past peak flight for 2020.  If you are interested in hosting a trap in 2021, please call the Williams…

The Asian longhorned tick attacks wild and domestic animals and humans. Photo by Anna Pasternak, UK entomology graduate student.

Asian Longhorned Tick; a New Tick Known to Attack Animals in Large Numbers!

By:  Tim McDermott DVM, OSU Extension Educator, Franklin County (originally published in Farm and Dairy) My colleague Erika Lyon wrote a great article in the January 24th, 2019 All About Grazing column in Farm and Dairy (link) that discussed the invasive Asian longhorned Tick….

Williams County WBC Monitoring Update – Week #7

Williams County WBC Monitoring Update – Week #7

By:  Stephanie Karhoff For the seventh week of monitoring there were 1.33 moths per trap (4 moths in a total of three traps).  You can learn more about this pest by clicking here to access the OSU Extension Western Bean Cutworm…