The Ohio State University: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Williams County Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update – Week #7

Williams County Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update – Week #7

For the 7th week of Western Bean Cutworm (WBC) monitoring (July 30 – August 5) <1 moth per trap was observed. Scouting for egg masses is recommended when adult WBC trap counts average 7 or more moths per week in…

Don’t get Burned by Hopperburn—Check Alfalfa for Potato Leafhoppers

Don’t get Burned by Hopperburn—Check Alfalfa for Potato Leafhoppers

By:  Andy Michel, Mark Sulc, Curtis Young, CCA, Kelley Tillmon Potato leafhopper (PLH) adults arrived in Ohio during the last week of June and first week of July. Since then, the eggs have hatched and we are now seeing late…

Williams County Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update – Week #6

Williams County Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update – Week #6

For the sixth week of Western Bean Cutworm (WBC) monitoring (July 23-29) six moths per trap were observed. Scouting for egg masses is recommended when adult WBC trap counts average 7 or more moths per week in tasseling or pre-tassel…

Williams County Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update – Week #5:  Time to Scout for Egg Masses!

Williams County Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update – Week #5: Time to Scout for Egg Masses!

For the fifth week of Western Bean Cutworm (WBC) monitoring (July 16 – 22) seven moths per trap were observed which means it is time to scout for egg masses in corn fields that are pre-tassel or approaching tassel. Here…

Williams County Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update – Week #4

Williams County Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update – Week #4

By:  Stephanie Karhoff For the fourth week of Western Bean Cutworm (WBC) monitoring (July 8-15) four moths per trap were observed. Scouting for egg masses is recommended when adult WBC trap counts average 7 or more moths per week in…