Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2020-21

By:  Barry Ward

Ohio cropland varies significantly in its production capabilities and, consequently, cropland values and cash rents vary widely throughout the state. Generally, western Ohio cropland values and cash rents differ from much of southern and eastern Ohio cropland values and cash rents. The primary factors affecting these values and rents are land productivity and potential crop return, and the variability of those crop returns. Soils, fertility and drainage/irrigation capabilities are primary factors that most influence land productivity, crop return and variability of those crop returns. Continue reading Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2020-21

Unusual Fall Armyworm Outbreaks are Taking Many by Surprise

fall armywormBy:  Kelley TilmonAndy MichelMark SulcJames MorrisCurtis Young, CCA

We have received an unusual number of reports about fall armyworm outbreaks particularly in forage including alfalfa and sorghum sudangrass, and in turf.  Certain hard-hit fields have been all but stripped bare (Figure 1).

True or common armyworm is a different species than the fall armyworm.  The true armyworm is the species that causes problems in cereal crops in the spring of the year. Fall armyworm migrates into Ohio during the summer and could cause problems into late summer. It is not or maybe we should say has not typically been a problem in Ohio. Also, unlike the true armyworm that only feeds on grasses (i.e., corn, wheat, forage grasses), the fall armyworm has well over 100 different types of plants upon which it feeds including many grasses but also alfalfa, soybeans, beets, cabbage, peanuts, onion, cotton, pasture grasses, millet, tomato, and potato. Obviously, a few of these crops are not produced in Ohio, but several of them are. As a result, we encourage farmers to be aware of feeding damage in their fields, especially forage crop fields that’s where a lot of the action seems to be right now. Continue reading Unusual Fall Armyworm Outbreaks are Taking Many by Surprise

Will a Second Fungicide be Worth the Cost for Tar Spot Management?

CPN 2018. Published August 19, 2021. DOI: doi.org/10.31274/cpn-20210820-1

By:  Darcy Telenko, Purdue University; Martin Chilvers, Michigan State University; Alison Robertson, Iowa State University; Albert Tenuta, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs; and Damon Smith, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Continue reading Will a Second Fungicide be Worth the Cost for Tar Spot Management?

Remember soybean aphids? They might be in your fields

By:  Andy Michel and Kelley Tilmon

Note for Williams County growers:  If you suspect soybean aphids in your field, please call ANR Educator Steph Karhoff at 419-519-6047 with field location and soybean variety to have your field scouted and aphid sample taken for research purposes.

Soybean aphids have always been around Ohio, but it has been a while since we have had many fields with high populations.  Based on recent scouting, we have noticed increasing populations of soybean aphids.  As we go into the critical growth stage of soybean, this is also the most important time to check your fields for soybean aphids and see if you have exceeded the threshold of an increasing population of 250 aphids per plant.

Continue reading Remember soybean aphids? They might be in your fields

Ohio Landowner/Hunter Access Partnership Program

Information provided by Ohio Department of Natural Resources

The Ohio Landowner/Hunter Access Partnership (OLHAP) Program is a new way for Ohio hunters to get access to private properties. This program is funded in part by the federal Farm Bill under their Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program (VPA-HIP). This bill provides funding to state and tribal agencies through a competitive grant process to implement programs encouraging hunting access on private properties. As part of the 2018 Farm Bill, Ohio was awarded $1,831,500 to implement the new OLHAP program. The OLHAP program uses part of those funds to pay landowners for hunters to access their property. Participating landowners receive annual payment rates ranging from $2.00 to $30.00 per acre depending on the characteristics of the property enrolled. Enrollment contracts are for 2-3 years, with the possibility of extension.

Image: Ohio Department of Natural Resources

Continue reading Ohio Landowner/Hunter Access Partnership Program

RSVP by August 20 for Williams SWCD Field Technology Day

Are you ready to save money? Learn how to implement a Voluntary Nutrient Management Plan (VNMP) on your operation to better manage nutrients at the Williams Soil and Water Conservation District’s (SWCD) annual Field Technology Day on Thursday, Aug. 26. The event will take place at the NEW Williams SWCD Office at 11246 State Route 15, Montpelier.  Complimentary dinner begins at 4:30 p.m. with program following at 5:00 p.m. There is no cost to attend, but RSVP to 419-636-9395 is requested by Friday, August 20.

The program will feature the following speakers:

Joe Nester & Clint Nester, Nester Ag
Kip Studer, Ohio Department of Agriculture, Nutrient Management Specialist
Chris Eschhofen, Eschhofen Systems
Jordan Beck, OSU Water Quality Extension Associate

Available Credits:  2.5 Nutrient Management CEUs for all Certified Crop Advisors

Sponsored by Williams SWCD & OSU Extension Williams County

Continue reading RSVP by August 20 for Williams SWCD Field Technology Day

Hazy Days…How Does Light Influence Corn and Soybean?

By:  Alex Lindsey, Laura Lindsey, and Aaron Wilson

Quite often this summer, our skies have been filled with smoke from western wildfires. Strong, dominant high pressure has focused record-breaking heat in the west while here across the Midwest, westerly to northwesterly flow has funneled that smoke our direction (See Figure 1 for current active fires, air quality, and smoke plume across the U.S.). Typically, this smoke remains at high altitude, resulting in hazy sunshine. What impact can this filtered sunshine have on crop production? Continue reading Hazy Days…How Does Light Influence Corn and Soybean?

Williams County Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update – Week #7

For the 7th week of Western Bean Cutworm (WBC) monitoring (July 30 – August 5) <1 moth per trap was observed. Scouting for egg masses is recommended when adult WBC trap counts average 7 or more moths per week in tasseling or pre-tassel corn. You can learn more about this pest by clicking here to access the OSU Extension Western Bean Cutworm Factsheet.

The WBC monitoring program is a state-led initiative to better understand insect populations, and develop management recommendations for growers. Each week, statewide WBC numbers will be published in the C.O.R.N. newsletter. Williams County WBC numbers will also be published on this blog on a weekly basis. If you are interested in hosting a trap in 2022, please call the Williams County Extension Office at 419-636-5608.

Don’t get Burned by Hopperburn—Check Alfalfa for Potato Leafhoppers

By:  Andy Michel, Mark Sulc, Curtis Young, CCA, Kelley Tillmon

alfalfa leaf hoppers on dimePotato leafhopper (PLH) adults arrived in Ohio during the last week of June and first week of July. Since then, the eggs have hatched and we are now seeing late stage nymphs and adults infesting alfalfa fields.  A few fields are showing the typical “hopperburn”, which is a triangular yellowing from the center of the leaf to the leaf margin. The more mature the crop of alfalfa is since the last cutting, the more the hopperburn symptoms will be showing. Hopperburn will also become more pronounced in areas of the state that are short on rain or are predicted to become drier because the alfalfa will not be able to outgrow the feeding activity of PLH.  Scouting now and making appropriate management decisions based on the scouting can help avoid serious damage to the crop. Continue reading Don’t get Burned by Hopperburn—Check Alfalfa for Potato Leafhoppers

Fall Calving, Is It Profitable?

By:  Garth Ruff, Beef Cattle Field Specialist, OSU Extension (originally published in the Ohio Farmer on-line)

cow with calf feeding

While fall calving may offer some unique challenges with regard to herd nutrition, there’s no arguing the cattle price seasonality benefit it affords!

Fall is my favorite time of the year, hay making is done, the feeder cattle are being marketed, and college football is in full swing. Last winter in a cow-calf webinar, I briefly mentioned the virtues of a fall calving system here in the Eastern Corn Belt. In this article we’ll look at how fall calving can be a viable and profitable system. Continue reading Fall Calving, Is It Profitable?