Steps to Speed up Field Curing of Hay Crops
By: Mark Sulc, Jason Hartschuh, and Allen Gahler The rainy weather in many regions of Ohio and surrounding states is making it difficult to harvest hay crops. We usually wait for a clear forecast before cutting hay, and with good…
Event Notice – Williams SWCD Field Technology Day on August 26
Join Williams County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) for their annual Field Technology Day – “Save Money – Manage Nutrients” on Thursday, August 26 at 4:30 p.m. at their NEW location, 11246 State Route 15, Montpelier. There is no…
Forage Fertility: Where We Are and Why it Matters
By: Garth Ruff and Greg LaBarge Hay and haylage crops are grown on just over 1 million acres in Ohio (NASS, 2019) and are grown on more Ohio farms (44% of all farms) than any other crop (Becot et al.,…
Williams County Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update – No Moths Detected Yet
By: Stephanie Karhoff Western Bean Cutworm (WBC) traps were placed throughout the county on Monday, June 21, and have been checked on a weekly basis for WBC moths. No moths were detected in any of the three traps in the…
Event Notice – Tri-State Precision Agriculture Conference on August 11
Join OSU Extension Henry County for the inagural Tri-State Precision Agriculture Conference on August 11, 2021. Speakers will discuss current trends in tillage equipment, and equipment demonstrations will feature high speed tillage, vertical tillage, strip tillage, and cover crop seeding systems. Fertilizer re-certifcation…