Preharvest Herbicide Treatments

By:  Mark Loux

Velvetleaf in a soybean field.

Information on preharvest herbicide treatments for field corn and soybeans can be found in the “Weed Control Guide for Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois”, at the end of these crop sections (pages 72 and 143 of the 2020 edition).  Products listed for corn include Aim, glyphosate, and paraquat, and for soybeans include Aim, paraquat, glyphosate, and Sharpen.  Some dicamba products are also approved for preharvest use in soybeans, and some 2,4-D products are approved for use in corn, and these are not listed in the guide.  The basic information for these follows: Continue reading Preharvest Herbicide Treatments

Making Corn Silage in Dry Conditions

By: Bill Weiss

The primary goal of making corn silage is to preserve as many nutrients in the corn plant as possible, to produce a feed that is acceptable to cows, and to minimize any risks associated with feeding the silage.  The following are important considerations for making corn silage when growing conditions have been dry. Continue reading Making Corn Silage in Dry Conditions

USDA Announces More Eligible Commodities for CFAP

USDA announced that additional commodities are covered by the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) in response to public comments and data. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is extending the deadline to apply for the program to September 11th, and producers with approved applications will receive their final payment. After reviewing over 1,700 responses, even more farmers and ranchers will have the opportunity for assistance to help keep operations afloat during these tough times. Continue reading USDA Announces More Eligible Commodities for CFAP

Event Notice – Hillsdale Conservation District Cover Crop Field Day

Join Hillsdale Conservation District on Thursday, September 3 for their 2020 Cover Crop Field Day hosted by Person Farms (19233 County Rd. 5.50, Montpelier, OH 43543; .5 mile South of W. Territorial Rd.). Please note, registration is required for entry. You may RSVP with names and numbers of guests to Allison Grimm at 517-320-3245; Cody Birdsell at 517-260-1276; or e-mail Continue reading Event Notice – Hillsdale Conservation District Cover Crop Field Day

Cuyahoga County MGVs Present: Gatherings in the Garden – Forcing Bulbs on August 22

By:  Tammy Currier, Cuyahoga MGV Coordinator

What’s more welcome after a long, bleak winter than the fragrance and color of spring blooming bulbs in your home? With some planning now, you can create weeks of beautiful flowers to brighten your environment and your spirits. This presentation discusses the four steps in the process: selecting the right bulbs, potting, cooling, and forcing them to flower. Continue reading Cuyahoga County MGVs Present: Gatherings in the Garden – Forcing Bulbs on August 22

Thinking About Storing More Grain This fall?

By:  Chris Bruynis, Associate Professor/Extension Educator

There are several market factors that may have farmers looking to increase their storage for this fall. With lower prices, some farmers will look to store grain and hope prices will improve. With the current basis and price improvement between the harvest period compared to the January/March delivery period of 22 to 40 cents for corn and 16 to 34 cents for soybeans, elevators are sending a message to store grain. Continue reading Thinking About Storing More Grain This fall?

Fall Fruit Research Update on September 9

By:  Bradford Sherman

Join us for timely fruit research updates for your farm and garden, and to get your questions answered by experts from The Ohio State University. This FREE, online-only event will feature several video presentations recorded from the OSU South Centers research fields, as well as live question and answer segments. The event will take place from 10-11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, September 9, 2020 using the Zoom meeting platform.

When registering, you can submit questions you would like answered during the event. To register, visit Be sure to include an email address that your monitor regularly, as this will be the method we use to send you the link to join the event. Continue reading Fall Fruit Research Update on September 9

Fertility Calculator for Ohio Recommendation

By:  Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA

Image of Fertilizer Calculator Program

A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet has been developed to support nutrient management education programs provided by Ohio State University Extension and for users who want to generate their own recommendation or compare recommendations provided to them to the Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, and Alfalfa, 2020. The spreadsheet is designed to be compatible with Excel version, Excel 1997-2003 or later. Continue reading Fertility Calculator for Ohio Recommendation

The Annual Pumpkin Field Day Goes Virtual!

By:  James Jasinski

For over 20 years the pumpkin field day held at the Western Ag Research Station in South Charleston has hosted growers from around the state giving them a wide array of production and pest management research, demonstration, tips and tricks. Instead of driving over to the research station, participate virtually from your home, business or favorite coffee house / brewery! Continue reading The Annual Pumpkin Field Day Goes Virtual!