The Ohio State University: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
OSU, CFAES, 2016, Farm Science Review, FSR, Grounds

“Ask the Expert” Area Seeks to Help Farmers Mitigate the Challenges of 2019 at this year’s Farm Science Review

By:  David Marrison, OSU Extension Each year, faculty and staff of The Ohio State University address some of the top farm management challenges which Ohio farmers are facing during the “Ask the Expert” sessions held each day at the Farm Science Review…

Weekly Livestock Comments for August 23, 201

By:  Dr. Andrew Griffith, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Tennessee FED CATTLE: Fed cattle traded $3 to $4 higher compared to last week on a live basis. Live prices were mainly $106 to $109 while…

A growing oats and radish mix. Photo by Paul Gross, MSU Extension.

Cover crop recipes: Post wheat, use oats and radish mix

By:  Dean Baas and Elizabeth H. Schultheis, Michigan State University Extension Are you a farmer who just harvested your wheat? If so, now is a good time to consider putting in some cover crops!

Growing Season to Last Through September

By:  Jim Noel There is good news as it appears we will not have an early freeze in Ohio in September.

What's in your Grain Dust?

What’s in your Grain Dust?

Information provided by Dr. S Dee Jepsen, State Leader of the OSU Extension Agricultural Safety & Health Program As many farmers know, grain dust contains more than meets the eye. Moreover, the dust you inhale may also contain microbes, insects,…