
ICU Volunteering

Recently I have begun volunteering at Ohio State University’s ICU unit in the Veterinary Hospital on Campus. In the Intensive Care Unit I walk around and visit the animals. All the animals in the unit have recently gone through a procedure or surgery and are recovering. Being at the vet can be very traumatizing to an animal. Animals like to be supported and comforted just like people do. Instead of being another person to prick a needle in them or mess with their tubes, I am one of the people that goes around loving them. Animals need a break from being treated and it can be a very relaxing thing for them to simply be petted and get attention. So that’s what I do! I pet the animals and give them a little extra TLC. Throguh volunteering in the Vet ICU this prepares me for a lifetime of taking care of animals  as a future veterinarian. This kind of volunteering is also a great resume builder for more veterinary related experience.

My 1st Semester in College

This is has been one rough semester here at Ohio State. I mean ROUGH. And the word “rough” is actually a nice way of putting it. Another way to describe my experience this semster is to compare it to a REALLY BAD roller coaster that I cannot seem to get off of. If I am being honest this has been one of the hardest times I’ve ever had in my life: academically, emotionally, mentally, and physically. I will not sit here and type this reflection and lie to everyone. Every other person will tell you that college is amazing and “so much fun”. They will tell you that their experience has been the best experience of their lives and that they are enjoying college. I am not that person. Some of them may be telling the truth, but let’s be honest: college is HARD. It is not easy by any means.

Academically and mentally (and emotionally), I believe what has made this semester difficult is because of the classes I am taking. I am failing Calculus currently and will have to retake the class in the summer. Chemistry has not  been too hard, but it is a lot of work and a highly demanding course. Because of the effort I have put into Chemistry I have not been able to truly focus on Calculus. This has become a problem because Calculus actually requires more of my attention since I struggle more with it. I never took Calc in highschool, so compared to other students I am extremely behind. Everything we have gone over has been completely new concepts and ideas that I have never seen before in my life.

At the beginning of the semester up until the halfway point, I was struggling physically as well. I lacked sleep, often going to bed at 1,2, and sometimes 3 or 4 in the morning. Because I was struggling academically it took a toll on my sleep and my health. My usual eating routine became scrambled and I would often go up to 12 hours without having a bite to eat. Because of the lack of sleep and food consumption I often received headaches. Obviously this is a very unhealthy habit. Now my eating schedule is back to normal. However, because I have gotten used to being up late, I still don’t usually go to bed until 1am. Overall, though, my physical health has improved.

Looking at all the struggles, all the obstacles, and all the ups and downs I have gone through this semester, it is funny to say that I am actually okay with all of it. Why would I say something like this? Because I know that my struggles make me a better person and student in the long run. I know that my struggles right now will not last forever. I know that I am not unintelligent and that my current grades do not define who I am as a person or who I will be in the future. If you are a college student reading this, or just any person going through struggles, do not let your current succes define your future success. Keep striving for greatness, because your failures will make you great!




This section focuses on the G.O.A.L.S that Nonyé would like to achieve and how her future activites may fit accordingly. G.O.A.L.S is the foundation that the Honors & Scholars program was built upon. Here is what Nonyé has to say about the program and what it means to her:

  • Global Awareness

To me, global awareness involves developing an appreciation for diversity and recognizing the differences between every single nation and ethnic group in the world. This can be done simply by taking courses on global or diverse topics. It may also include going beyond the classroom, such as study abroad, ethnic clubs on campus, externships, or volunteer work.  I have always had a passion for diversity (it’s one of the main reasons I decided to go to Ohio State!). Although diversity resonates well with me, in order to work more toward global awareness I plan to participate in ethnic/cultural clubs such as BSA and MUNDO. I also plan to study abroad in the future and do veterinary externships around the world.

  • Original Inquiry

When I think of original inquiry I think of the big question that Ohio State asks every student: Will it be U? Will it be me to be the first to do research on a new diasease found in Siberian tigers?  Will it be me to create a new global project that sets the stage for future OSU students for their own research? Will it be me to make a change, to make a difference at this univeristy or in the world? The answer is, who knows? That is what original inquiry is all about- finding what research or project that you are passionate about and creating a plan to work toward that passion. Currently, even if I decide to do research, I do not know what reasearch I would get involved in. However, I do know my passions- animals and movies! I am defineitly considering doing some kind of exotic and wildlife animal reasearch in different countries in the future to work toward my veterinary goals.

  • Academic Enrichment

Academic Enrichment is simply learning, but in non-conventional ways that go beyond the classroom. There are many ways to gain curricular experiences such as doing reasearch and studying abroad. In order to fulfill this goal, I plan to be involved in as many academic programs as I can. I also plan to attend events, such as Ted-talks, and participate in other academic opportunities that may arise on campus or through the Scholars program.

  • Leadership Development

Becoming a great leader does not happen all at once, it develops over time. I believe through my experiences here at Ohio State- classes, volunteering, extra-curriculars, work, and other activities- I will become the best leader I can be in order to have successful relationships and a successful career.

  • Service Engagement

Serivce engagement is more than merely volunteering. Service engagement is about genuinely putting others’ needs above your own by serving those around you, whether that is through volunteer work or not. I have done previous volunteering for programs such as Food For Thought and also the Special Olympics here at Ohio State. However, I would like get even more involved with helping other communities in the United States and also globally. I would like to achieve this goal by volunteering at animal shelters, hospitals, and homeless shelters just to name a few possibilities.

A Trip to the Zoo!

Sunday October 7th

Columbus Zoo Trip

On this day Nonyé and her fellow BioSci scholars took a trip to the Columbus zoo. The scholars were split into two different groups for behind-the-scenes tours. Nonyé was able to get some insight on what it is like to work as a zoo vet in the Animal Health Center where all the animals at the zoo are treated. The facility is 17,000 sq ft and caters to over 100,000 animals. On her tour of the health center, Nonyé learned about the utilization of each room in the facility, as well as individual animal cases. The scholars were also informed about several conservation projects in which the Columbus Zoo partakes. Cheetah, Rhino, and Giraffe conservation projects are few of the projects that the scholars can get involved in.


Besides taking tours of the zoo, the scholars were able to enjoy their time leisurely. Overall, this trip was an exciting one for Nonyé because of her career goals. She cannot wait to start her career as a zoo animal veterinarian!

A little somethin’ somethin’

Nonyé Williams is a third-year student at The Ohio State University. Her  major is Zoology with a minor in Video Arts. After her undergraduate education, Nonyé plans to attend vet school. She hopes that one day she can work as a zoo veterinarian or international travel vet.

Nonyé was born and raised in Toledo, Ohio. Though she is familiar with Columbus, Nonyé would like to travel the world one day, visiting the most popular destinations and attractions. Studying abroad for Spanish and veterinary medicine is also one of her goals.

Besides studying and doing homework almost 24/7, Nonyé loves to sing, dance, make art, and play sports. Two of her favorite sports are soccer and basketball. When she is not doing anything physical, you can find Nonyé either at the movie theater or in front of a tv. Watching movies and tv shows are actually Nonye’s favorite hobbies. In fact, if she could be anything else besides a veterinarian, she would become a movie actress, cinematographer, and/or director. Just don’t ask Nonyé what her favorite movie is. Because she loves so many of them, she honestly could not tell you! On the other hand, you may catch Nonyé watching some of her favorite shows such as The Walking Dead , Jane the Virgin, or anything that comes on basic cable networks such as ABC or CBS.

Welcome to Nonye’s Scholars e-Portfolio


Welcome to Nonye’s E-portfolio.

On this site, you can follow Nonyé as she goes on her journey of having a successful career in veterinary medicine and cinematography. There are different categories such as the Artifacts tab, as well as the Year in Review, and Career tabs. Simply click open each tab to see what recent posts have been made. On this site, you will be able to find information about Nonye’s goals, experiences in and outside of the classroom, career-related activities, and important documents such as testimonials and her resume. This site will be updated often with the most accurate information regarding her whereabouts and experiences.