
This section focuses on the G.O.A.L.S that Nonyé would like to achieve and how her future activites may fit accordingly. G.O.A.L.S is the foundation that the Honors & Scholars program was built upon. Here is what Nonyé has to say about the program and what it means to her:

  • Global Awareness

To me, global awareness involves developing an appreciation for diversity and recognizing the differences between every single nation and ethnic group in the world. This can be done simply by taking courses on global or diverse topics. It may also include going beyond the classroom, such as study abroad, ethnic clubs on campus, externships, or volunteer work.  I have always had a passion for diversity (it’s one of the main reasons I decided to go to Ohio State!). Although diversity resonates well with me, in order to work more toward global awareness I plan to participate in ethnic/cultural clubs such as BSA and MUNDO. I also plan to study abroad in the future and do veterinary externships around the world.

  • Original Inquiry

When I think of original inquiry I think of the big question that Ohio State asks every student: Will it be U? Will it be me to be the first to do research on a new diasease found in Siberian tigers?  Will it be me to create a new global project that sets the stage for future OSU students for their own research? Will it be me to make a change, to make a difference at this univeristy or in the world? The answer is, who knows? That is what original inquiry is all about- finding what research or project that you are passionate about and creating a plan to work toward that passion. Currently, even if I decide to do research, I do not know what reasearch I would get involved in. However, I do know my passions- animals and movies! I am defineitly considering doing some kind of exotic and wildlife animal reasearch in different countries in the future to work toward my veterinary goals.

  • Academic Enrichment

Academic Enrichment is simply learning, but in non-conventional ways that go beyond the classroom. There are many ways to gain curricular experiences such as doing reasearch and studying abroad. In order to fulfill this goal, I plan to be involved in as many academic programs as I can. I also plan to attend events, such as Ted-talks, and participate in other academic opportunities that may arise on campus or through the Scholars program.

  • Leadership Development

Becoming a great leader does not happen all at once, it develops over time. I believe through my experiences here at Ohio State- classes, volunteering, extra-curriculars, work, and other activities- I will become the best leader I can be in order to have successful relationships and a successful career.

  • Service Engagement

Serivce engagement is more than merely volunteering. Service engagement is about genuinely putting others’ needs above your own by serving those around you, whether that is through volunteer work or not. I have done previous volunteering for programs such as Food For Thought and also the Special Olympics here at Ohio State. However, I would like get even more involved with helping other communities in the United States and also globally. I would like to achieve this goal by volunteering at animal shelters, hospitals, and homeless shelters just to name a few possibilities.