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About Me
A little somethin’ somethin’
Nonyé Williams is a third-year student at The Ohio State University. Her major is Zoology with a minor in Video Arts. After her undergraduate education, Nonyé plans to attend vet school. She hopes that one day she can work as a zoo veterinarian or international travel vet.
Nonyé was born and raised in Toledo, Ohio. Though she is familiar with Columbus, Nonyé would like to travel the world one day, visiting the most popular destinations and attractions. Studying abroad for Spanish and veterinary medicine is also one of her goals.
Besides studying and doing homework almost 24/7, Nonyé loves to sing, dance, make art, and play sports. Two of her favorite sports are soccer and basketball. When she is not doing anything physical, you can find Nonyé either at the movie theater or in front of a tv. Watching movies and tv shows are actually Nonye’s favorite hobbies. In fact, if she could be anything else besides a veterinarian, she would become a movie actress, cinematographer, and/or director. Just don’t ask Nonyé what her favorite movie is. Because she loves so many of them, she honestly could not tell you! On the other hand, you may catch Nonyé watching some of her favorite shows such as The Walking Dead , Jane the Virgin, or anything that comes on basic cable networks such as ABC or CBS.
Welcome to Nonye’s Scholars e-Portfolio
Welcome to Nonye’s E-portfolio.
On this site, you can follow Nonyé as she goes on her journey of having a successful career in veterinary medicine and cinematography. There are different categories such as the Artifacts tab, as well as the Year in Review, and Career tabs. Simply click open each tab to see what recent posts have been made. On this site, you will be able to find information about Nonye’s goals, experiences in and outside of the classroom, career-related activities, and important documents such as testimonials and her resume. This site will be updated often with the most accurate information regarding her whereabouts and experiences.