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Being a leader is empowering people to make effective decisions for themselves.

Welcome! I am Cory Williams, a practicing RDH + EFDA, obtaining an MDH degree at The Ohio State University.  I am a mama to one lovely little lady, a new part-time clinical instructor, empowered health and wellness seeker, and I am all in for fashion, food, sleep hygiene, hilarious folks, and any human getting precisely what they want out of life. I find joy and fulfillment in helping others uncover their potential and live a life that radiates. As a future educator or educoach, I want to lead, inspire, and empower others to take action towards improvement. How does one accomplish this? By building relationships, asking guiding questions, and having a genuine interest in people and what they do in their lives. Think more of a coach rather than a teacher or lecturer. I want to coach my students to excellence. Sure, it is a strategy built upon a foundation of education methodology, but it is so much more! In my master’s program, I am creating an innovative teaching philosophy rooted in my values, combined with evidence-based teaching methods, experience, advice, failures, and ah-ha moments. Follow along this semester!


Thoughts on 7100:

How am I going to deliver content to students when I feel anxious about technology? Full disclosure: I even have trouble changing my name display on zoom, resulting in my attendance in recent meetings appearing under the name of my daughter and her Girl Scout meeting the evening prior. Furthermore, I accidentally ‘reply all’ more than I like to admit. At one point in my master’s program, I had to take my shiny new mac computer to the program director’s office and ask for help. We had an IT support session, and it was glorious, and I felt only slightly inadequate. She understood my grad student flurry made up of equal parts frustration and humor. I have committed to growth in technology this year. 2021 will be my year–I will get to know all of the devices, sites, apps, and sizzle when it comes to all things related to education, technology, and content delivery. For my grand finale, I may even host a zoom meeting AND use the screen share feature. Phew! I am sweating.

In 7100, I am looking forward to gaining knowledge in technology and content delivery. Last semester in 6100, we learned how to create objectives and assessments. How do I create a syllabus that reflects all of the planned content? I am curious to hear from instructors and others in the cohort about their experiences with innovative mentors and educators and what made the experience successful. What resources are available to dental hygiene educators to keep current on both clinical trends and educational advancements? Lastly, I would like to learn more about captivating an audience and maintaining their attention.


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