Your new NAACL Secretary

It seems I’ve been elected to a two-year term as Secretary of NAACL, the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. One of my main duties will be to conduct the annual elections for new officers and board members, including my successor. Until then, wish me luck on keeping NAACL running smoothly!

NSF project on generating disambiguating paraphrases

I’m delighted to announce that I’ll have the opportunity to continue my sabbatical work with James Curran and James Constable at U Sydney on “closing the loop” between parsing and generation with NSF funding. The big idea is to use automatically generated disambiguating paraphrases together with crowd-sourcing to gather “silver-standard” data for enhancing parser training. Joining me on the project here are Manjuan Duan and David Howcroft. See my Projects page for more info.