Week of July 28 – August 1 Scouting Report Summary


  • Corn: Scouted fields ranged from v8 to R2.  Grey leafspot continues to develop in susceptible varieties.  The disease did not seem to progress this past week, probably due to the cooler temperatures.  Fall armyworm, Japanese beetles and grasshoppers all reported as causing light defoliation.  Corn rootworm beetles were noted in some fields.  A corn rootworm beetle count should be done during the first half of August for any field that will be going back into corn next year and that will not be using a transgenic variety to control corn rootworm.   Two Western bean cutworm moths were captured in 1 of 2 trapping locations.  Deer damage was noted in some scouting reports.
  • Soybeans:  Scouted soybeans ranged from V7 to R3 stage of development.  Japanese beetle and grasshopper feeding damage were found at low levels in most fields.  Scouts are noting some brown and green stinkbugs in soybeans and will start sweeping for stinkbugs in the coming weeks.  Ground hog damage is being noted.  Scouts are looking for white mold, particularly in 15 inch or narrower row spacing, but so far have not detected any.
  • Alfalfa: Potato leafhopper, aphids, alfalfa plant bugs and Japanese beetles were noted at low levels.  Some common leaf spot on lower leaves has been reported.

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