Week of July 28 – August 1 Scouting Report Summary


  • Cole crops: Cabbage, Cauliflower and Broccoli:  Young fall harvest plantings have some light levels of flea beetles while cabbage worm levels increased to above treatment thresholds in several fields this past week.
  • High tunnel tomatoes: Early blight continues to progress in many high tunnels, growers are encouraged to maintain a regular and consistent spray program.   Septoria leaf spot is being noted in many high tunnels.  Yellow shoulder, blossom end rot and zippering, primarily abiotic conditions are also being noted by scouts.  Damage by tomato hornworm, tomato fruitworm and variegated climbing cutworm were all found by scouts this week.   In addition some yellow striped armyworm were found.
  • Field tomatoes:  Bacterial speck, spot and canker all being found on plants.  In some plantings bacterial spot, speck, and canker are being found on the tomato fruit.  Early blight and septoria leaf spot incidence is increasing.  Blossom end-rot, zippering and catfacing are also being found.   Damage by variegated climbing cutworms was noted.
  • Sweet corn: Development stages range from some v4 for late planted corn to harvest on some plantings. Trap counts for corn earworm moths remained at zero.  Corn borer moths were caught in 2 out of 3 trap locations, with 8 at one location and 14 in the other.  Western bean cutworm larvae were found in one field at numbers above the treatment threshold.  Some corn rootworm beetles were noted in some sweet corn fields.  No brown marmorated stink bugs have been found in traps.
  • Cucumbers:  Harvest is under way in some plantings and there have been some plantings made for intended fall harvest.  Cucumber beetles were reported at high levels in some of the young cucumber plantings.  Angular leaf spot, a bacterial disease, is common in many of the older plantings.
  • Zucchini and Summer Squash:  Development ranges from plantings a couple of weeks old to full harvest.  Cucumber beetle numbers were up significantly this week, triggering treatment in the new plantings.  Scouts noted cucumber beetle feeding damage on fruit in older plantings. Squash bug adults and eggs can be seen in some fields at low levels.  Angular leaf spot is common and powdery mildew incidence is increasing.   Bacterial wilt and anthracnose are present in some plantings.
  • Winter Squash and Pumpkins:  Japanese beetles and grasshoppers at mainly low levels were noted by scouts.  Grasshoppers were heavier in grassy areas of the field.  Angular leaf spot, anthracnose and powdery mildew are present in many plantings.   Bacterial wilt and fusarium wilt are being found in some plantings.  Scouts noted feeding damage by deer and groundhogs.
  • Melons: Anthracnose and bacterial wilt have been found.  Angular leaf spot has also been detected by scouts and confirmed with lab diagnosis.  This week scouts also found fusarium wilt and phytophthora blight.  Cucumber beetles were found chewing on melon fruit, damaging the rind.
  • Potatoes:  Some early harvest of potatoes has started.  Scouts found bacterial soft rot in some of those early harvest potatoes.  Possibly the harvest method damaged those potatoes, opening them up to infection by the soft rot organism.  Early blight was noted in some plantings.   Colorado potato beetles (CPB) were causing heavy defoliation in some plantings.  Potato leaf hoppers were detected in some plantings at numbers that triggered a recommendation to treat.
  • Peppers:  Bacterial spot continues to develop.  Anthracnose was also found in some plantings along with cercospora leaf spot.  Blossom end rot can also be found.  Tomato horn worm damage was noted by scouts on some peppers.
  • Eggplant:   Many plants are setting fruit.  CPB, and Japanese beetles are commonly found on eggplant.  Some plantings exhibited heavy defoliation damage due to CPB feeding.  Anthracnose was found on some plants.
  • Green/Snap Beans:  Beans generally look very good.  Bean leaf beetles, potato leaf hopper, grasshoppers and Japanese beetle levels were all reported as light.

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